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Fear produces courage.
It's stupid, unbelievable, contrary.

The list of words that can be used to describe the statement written above is more than just a few.
Before I continue any further here's an illustration; there's this animated movie I got to watch at the movie theatre where Moana (the name of the protagonist) had the fear that her family and all the people she loved were going to die, this fear in turn produced an unbelievable courage to go on a journey to make things right.

She did all this for the fear of her home being destroyed--being reduced to nothing--she did this in order to save the lives of the people she loved. Now that's courage and selflessness.

Although she faced a lot of obstacles and was on the verge of giving up totally,she still won victoriously.

There are two types of fear:
-the positive fear
-the negative fear

The positive fear is the fear I had explained earlier giving the animated movie 'Moana' as a good example.

There's also the fear of the Lord. This type of fear is simply a sign of love, respect, adoration and complete awe. It's not being scared to talk to your Heavenly Father( or whosoever you believe in), no it's far from it. It's obeying His commandments, His words and just submitting everything to Him.

The negative fear paralyzes you to nothing, to being useless. This type of fear is dangerous. It stops us from maximizing our potentials--making us believe we can only do so little and we should not bother to even give it a try.

But you know what? It's all an ILLUSION. It's a figment of your own very imagination. It's a thing of the mind and we shouldn't let it grow at all.

So I came across this interesting article on Karl Wallenda, a great tightrope artist. He's dead now, he died after a seventy five foot fall from a tight rope. He loved being on the tightrope. Wallenda's wife, an aerialist said that all her husband thought about for three months prior to walking across the tightrope was falling. He walked the tightrope with the fear of falling in his mind. Fear can stop us from reaching the finish line. Fear can stop us from fulfilling our purpose.

Stage fright; it's a thing of the mind, you can conquer it. Fear stops us from achieving our maximum potential. It could render us useless. It stops us from even making goals. Fear could be hard to get over but it's not impossible.

Let's do this exercise, repeat after me, say it loud with faith;

- Fear is a thing of the mind.

-I am more than a conqueror

- I'm going to go out there (on stage or wherever) and I'll make the best out of everything, no matter how it turns out .

- Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.


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