LOVE BITES Chapter 22 : Drunk in Love

Start from the beginning

I kicked my feet, the blanket lifting and engulfing cold air around my lower body. "That's way cool!"

Beside me my phone buzzed and with it came a sudden and sharp pain in my skull. I gripped the sides of my head and clamped my eyes shut tight as fragments of memories hit me like a tidal wave.

"Don't hurt us!"

He looked a little angry at my words as he cupped my cheeks. "You're more than me. You just don't understand yet."

"They promised it wouldn't hurt."

"You have to learn to use your abilities. The world is a dangerous place despite how resilient we are. Without your powers, you're defenceless. Do you understand that?"

I ran through the door, a smile lighting up my face and ran into his open arms. "Alsa!"

But then as quickly as it started, everything stopped.

The pain vanished, the memories shrank away and all that was left was a numbing cloud over my body.

Dragging in a shaky breath my hands fell limp by my side. I snuck a glance at the cause of relief sitting on the table beside my bed. The red vile stared back at me.

My phone buzzed again from its place beside my purple pillow. Leaning over, I snatched it up only to be momentarily blinded by the screen's brightness. I was greeted with four messages, all from the same person.

Tuesday 10:21 pm
Hey N, ur gonna be at school tmw right??

Tuesday 10:36 pm

Tuesday 10:39 pm
Nikki we both no that I will always be an inpatient lady. Even Jesus is aware. Aaaannnsswwweeerrr meeeeee

Tuesday 10:40 pm
Pwease :3

I wondered why she was texting so late, then, checking the time I was stupefied to find it wasn't that late at all. I quickly typed a response.

Tuesday 10:41 pm
I'll be there. Why, what's wrong?

Tuesday 10:41 pm
She rises! What were you doing? Sleeping? Lol

Tuesday 10:41 pm
Yes, I was.

Tuesday 10:42 pm
Ew wtf? It's not even late. And I thought I was the lazy one

I chuckled to myself as another text appeared on my screen.

Tuesday 10:42 pm
Please just come to school okay? I need ur help. With Zac. And also... I have to tell u something

A frown grew between my eyebrows. Not because of what Brianna said, I assumed that was all a reference to Zac. The frown was about something else. About a thought I couldn't interpret. A memory I couldn't quite see. It was about Brianna, that much I knew but I couldn't remember what it was that gave me such an odd feeling.

Tuesday 10:42 pm
Okay, I'll see u there. Night night :)

Tuesday 10:43 pm
M'kay, bye bitch

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