Chapter Thirteen:

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London's P.O.V:

I can't believe my dad actually told me to leave the house that I grew up in for someone who isn't even his child. If someone would of talked about my mom like Haley talked about Mary my dad wouldn't of stood for it. However instead of being on my side he bad mouthed the love of my life also. Fuck my parents, Sam, and definitely Haley.

I drive to my apartment and find Mary waiting there when I get inside. I say, “ Hey you could've texted me that you were here, I would of been home sooner. How long have you been here anyways?”

“ I've been here most of the day after the cops came and talked to me. As soon as I left the station I came here.”

“ So you know about both deaths?”

“ Wait what do you mean both? There was only one because James made it through his surgery.”

“ No baby I'm talking about Chase and Dean.”

“ Dean's not dead though.” She looks at me with a weird look.

“ Well try to tell that to a very emotional Haley that is at my parents house crying right now.”

“ Oh wow that's just wow.” her face goes blank

“ Yeah and someone texted Haley saying that what the two deaths have in common is that they were with you last night.”

“ Yeah so that doesn't mean anything. You know that you're the only one that matters. I don't feel nothing for the guys.” She says with a straight face.

“ Ok wow umm well since they are dead now you could show a little remorse.”

Someone knocks on my door and I go and answer it. It is two cops and they ask to come in. I let them in. One cop is a male the other is a female. The female says, “ Mary thank you for being honest when you told us where you were going after leaving us. There has been another death and he is tied to you. Dean Pick is dead.”

Mary starts crying and shakes her head no. She says, “ He can't be dead he just can't be. Why is this happening to me!”

Damn if I didn't know any better I would think that she actually felt bad. The male cop says, “ We were going to have you come down to the station Mary but we will just have you come in tomorrow.”

She nods still crying. The moment they walk out she stops crying. I say, “ You know what everyone was right you are a slut. You don't give a damn about nobody but yourself and your sex needs. I have someone who is like a sister to me really crying about her brother's death at my parents house and I was even a bitch to her while standing up for you, and for what? I'll tell you what for, nothing! Get the fuck out of my house and leave me alone forever!”

She says, “ You're going to be sorry because no one ever leaves me bitch!" She walks out and slams my door.

I call my dad and have him put me on speaker. I say, “ Dad you were right and I'm sorry to you and mom for how I acted in your house. I'm sorry Sam for treating your girl the way I did in front of you. Finally and most important I'm sorry to you Haley for acting like a bitch to you. You are like my little sister and have been for a long time so I hope you can forgive me because I truly am sorry.” I say almost in tears.

They all forgive me and then I hang up. I lock my apartment and then go and get in the bath. Fifteen minutes later while I am washing my hair someone in all black comes in. They have nothing covering their face but a hoodie. The person comes over and pushes my head under water. I can't believe who it is. I guess it makes since they were there that day when the first case happened three years ago. I just wish it wasn't this person because it makes everything so much more fucked up.

I try to fight the person who is drowning me but I end up taking my last breath before fading away into blackness.

A/N: Ok if you don't remember who was mentioned in the three years ago part and don't want to look back at it the six people mentioned are Aiden, Zaden, Lucas, Sam, Josh, and Mary. But who do you think did it? Comment if you think you know.

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