Chapter 48.

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I glance over and there's a picture of Christian and I just after he proposed to me the second time. Hearts and flowers.

"That Mr.Grey was one of the most heartwarming things you have ever done." I say. He looks at me and then to the picture and back at me but then with this time with a smile.

"You said yes" he says with a soft smile.

"Damn right I did" I say giggling and he laughs back at me.

"That'll be Teddy one day" he says, referring to him proposing to somebody.

"That'll be Phoebe one day. Saying yes to spending her life with the man she's love and who she thinks is the only one." I say and notice Christians eyes widen with fear.

"God heavens no. I'm not handing her over to anybody" he says without second thought.

"Oh but dear you won't be able to control that. When a young man whisks her off her feet" I say getting butterflies in my stomach at the thought of my babies being older and possibly getting married.

"I will, none of that malarkey until she 60 at least" he says rolling his eyes and shaking his head. Oh he is dramatic. It's rather amusing especially considering he is being serious.

"Hmm well we will see Mr.Grey" I say laughing. God forbid the day she brings home a boy.

"What do you want to do?" Christian asks me.

"Watching the TV sounds good right now" I say and he nods picking me up.

"Let me down" I say laughing once more. He does just that but still holds me close. I look up to him and he's completely oblivious to the fact I am. My god he's sexy. It is rather irritating that women still throw themselves at him but again he's oblivious or so he acts and completely dismisses them.

My mind annoyingly goes back to a certain somebody. Fucking Elena. She's has no brains that women.
Last time was supposed to be the last and final time. But of course it wasn't.
If I find any trace her again I cannot comprehend what will happen.

"What's up?" Christian asks me suddenly.

"Elena. That's what's up. It's always the last time isn't it? Do you speak to her?" I say again, sudden rage comes through time once more.

"No you've just asked me that"

"Well I'll ask again? It's ironic isn't it?" I say seething with anger.

"Anastasia trust me"

"I do trust you however it's hard to believe you when I know for a fact you wouldn't have told me that she called if I wasn't there" I say back to him and he looks down at me then away again.

"Yes I would have. Not that I would have wanted to. But I would have out of the respect and care I have for you. I don't want you kept in the dark about shit especially not her now can we fucking drop it" he says through gritted teeth. The way he emphasised the last line made me shudder. I didn't expect that.
Once again I can't keep my mouth shut and trust him. No I do trust him. I don't trust her.

"Right! But why the fuck after all of this time would she call you?" I say snapping again and hurrying off. Everything I'm saying I wish I was saying to her.
I'm using him as a way to get my anger out and I know that.

"Ana please wait" he says and I stop. He comes up behind me and apologises.

"It's not my fault" he says softly. Like a child would.

"I know it's not! But that doesn't change it. I want her gone for good. And away from my children. I'm sure your mother would agree." I reply back and he shakes his head but doesn't say anything. He doesn't know what to say.
We are going round in circles.

"I'm sorry Christian. I just, I don't" but words fail me and he kisses me head and takes me to the living room.

"I'm sorry baby" he says softly.

"Me too, I overreacted. I know it's not your fault" I reply. I have no other words. I can only apologise.
Jesus Christ Ana.

"Okay. What are we watching?" He says.

"Anything" I reply with a yawn.
Christian laughs and gives me the remote.

"Shall we watch a movie?" I ask and he nods. Oh this will be difficult trying to please Christian with a movie.

"Pick a genre" I say to him and he rolls his eyes. And then says "romance" in the most un- Christian like manner possible. I laugh uncontrollably and he joins me.

"No lets watch Grease" I say smiling as I see it. He laughs again and gestures his hand to the screen for me to put it on.

"I always dreamed of falling for Danny Zuko" I say smiling.

"Well I best go and find John Travolta and kill him" he says with a serious face.

"I'd have to kill you then Mr.Grey and we wouldn't want that"

"He's a nice person. I'll let him be" Christian replies with a sarcastic smile.

"Damn right" I say teasing him and he rolls his eyes as the movie starts. He tucks me under his arm and I cuddle up to him.

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