Chapter 2.

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"Christian get back to bed" I say half asleep walking into his study, I really hate the fact he wakes in the night and goes into there. I look around and my heart breaks.
He's stood with his arm round Taylor who looks like he's crying. I've never saw them like this. I knew they were closer than they ever let on but to see Christian consoling him.

"Mrs.Grey" Taylor says standing.
I look at Christian who doesn't say anything just stares and I know I need to leave.

"Sorry I didn't realise you were here, I hope everything's fine. Goodnight" I say walking back out. I must have been stood there for thirty seconds but it was enough to see that Taylor was very upset, what has happened? He's never like this. I don't think I've ever saw Taylor emotional let alone cry.

I can't sleep and it's already 5:30am so I may as well go downstairs.
Christian walks into the kitchen and it's evident he has barely slept and if he did was before four when I saw him and Taylor.

"Good morning"

"Morning baby" Christian replies.
"Why are you up?" He questions.

"After I woke I couldn't really sleep well so I thought I may as well get up" I tell him but he just nods.

"Christian what happened?"

"It's Taylor's mother, she erm passed away" my heart breaks, he's very close to his mother.

"I know it's awful, I woke this morning and saw him upset so we sat in my study" he says.

"I can't believe it, how is he?"

"Hmm what can you expect? He's trying not show anything but"

"I can imagine" I mutter.
"I'll make you both something to eat once you're ready" I shout to him.

I hear Phoebe on the baby monitor crying slightly so I go to see to her but Christian is already there. He has her in his arms rocking her slightly back and forth.

"I walked past and heard her"
I nod and kiss her head then his cheek.

"Christian why don't you try and sleep?" I ask him, he must be shattered, he isn't working today so it's fine.

"I may do but I don't sleep well without you"

"Phoebe and I will join you then" I say knowing full well he wants sex.
He just nods knowing I'm aware of his thoughts.

I climb into bed and put Phoebe in the Moses basket next to the bed.

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into his chest. I love this. I love him. I love my life. I love my children.

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