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Byakuya Togami sipped lemonade from a beautiful tea cup that was white with gold trim and swirls. He lifted his pinkie up with grace, acting like a proper gentleman.

"Fine day, today, isn't it, Togami?" Sonia asked from behind the chair Togami was sitting in.

"Well, well, if it isn't the darling princess Sonia. I was beginning to that that you'd never show up," Togami smirked, standing and pulling out the chair opposite of him so the princess could sit.

"Thank you, Togami. And, of course I would show up, I was just having some problems with my stalker again," Sonia waved her hand dismissively.

"Understandable. I myself have a stalker as well," Togami wrinkled his nose and nodded his head towards a girl with purple-brown hair and red eyes cutting pieces out of a newspaper article.

"Hmm. Alright, so getting down to business, I think I have found what exactly you're looking for," Sonia grabbed an envelope from her purse.

Togami opened it and read the contents within it, looking at Sonia somewhat suspiciously. "Are you sure about this? I don't want a repeat of last time," Togami rolled his eyes.

"Nobody will throw your lemonade in the harbor, Togami. That was a just a prank that Ibuki pulled," Sonia said, resting her head on her chin.

"Good. Let's go," Togami stood and left the table, expecting Sonia to follow. Sonia gave a downcast look as she stood and followed the heir.

"Alright, did y'all get that? They're leaving now. Agent Animal Fucker, do you copy?"
"I thought he was Agent Brony."
"Shut it, Wannabe!"
"I copy."
"'Bout fuckin' time! You need to follow them."
"Already on it."
"Specs, you go in as back up."
"Yes, young master."
"Stop fuckin' calling me that."
"Yes, young master."
"Goddamn it."

Gundam "Animal Fucker" Tanaka watched the princess be led along by the heir. He spotted his stealth partner, Peko "Specs" Pekoyama on the opposite side of the street. They gave a curt nod to each other before both disappeared, off to the heir and the princess.

"I get the odd feeling that we're being followed," Sonia noted, walking just a little bit closer to Togami.

"We'll be fine. Besides, we're almost there," Togami shrugged.

"Wait. If you knew where it was, then why did you drag me here with you?" Sonia backed up.

"Because I'm actually robbing this place!" Togami pulled out a gun.

"Well, I guess it's a good thing I'm actually an undercover cop! That right there's my partner," Sonia pointed to a gasping Kuzuryuu. She looked to see that he was gone!

"Sorry, sweetheart, I'm not your partner. I'm his," Kuzuryuu kissed Togami's cheek.

"No! ... Wait, so you're gay?" Sonia asked in confusion.

".... No....?"

"Actually, that does make us gay."



The building's walls dropped to reveal a giant lemonade stand.

"What the fu-"

To be continued!!

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