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Komaeda stole some lemonade from Togami's stand, sipping it in a tea cup like a proper gentleman.

Ibuki smacked him and grabbed the cup, screaming and breaking some random ass glass.

"Can you even read?!" Togami barked, pointing to the 'No Komaeda, No Ibuki, No Service' sign. Ibuki eyed the sign, shrugging and grabbing Komaeda by his floofy hair and dragging him off.

"What up, bitches, I'm back!" AI Junko called, throwing a peace sign at Togami. "Why are you still here?" Togami asked, flinging a stray rock off of his stand, the rock somehow mysteriously smacking itself into Komaeda.

"Well, your lemonade is the shit if I say so myself, and I say so, and also Shy needed his Despair Queen. Or something along those lines."

"I swear to god. You guys. I JUST FUCKING REPAIRED THE FOURTH WALL!!" Kuzuryuu barked. "Not our problem. Just pay someone else to build it back up," Togami rolled his eyes at his fellow rich's idiocy. "Huh. You're right. SOUDA! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!!" Baby Face barked, dragging Souda from his fantasies.

Togami and Junko watched as Kuzuryuu forced Souda to rebuild the fourth wall.

Togami's Lemonade StandWhere stories live. Discover now