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Togami woke up in a bed that didn't belong to him. "Where the money am I?" He asked no one. "Oh! It's nice to see you awake, Togami! You're in my room because you passed out of the floor," Sonia said, rushing to his side. "Are you in need of anything?" The chirpy princess asked.

"I'm just fine. Thanks your lending me your bed. I need to go back to work- my stand!" Togami gasped, getting up and dashing towards the park to where his stand was.

A much nicer stand was built where his previous one was, including a better version of his signs. "Oh my money! Sonia! You didn't...... You didn't have to do all this!" Togami sniffled, wiping his tears with money. "It was no problem, Togami-san!" Sonia said brightly.

Just then, Ibuki popped out of the trees in an orange tube top and skirt, a blue bandana around her neck and blue colored contacts in her eyes, a blue mask tied around her head. Her dyed hair was now orange, making her look like some sort of fox. She advanced towards the stand, making eye contact with Togami the whole time.

Togami blinked in confusion. "She thinks she's Swiper from Dora the Explora," Sonia explained. "This is why Ibuki shouldn't be allowed to watch anything," Togami rolled his eyes.

"Swiper no swiping! Swiper no swiping! Swiper no swiping!" Sonia cheered. Ibuki stood and snapped her fingers, looking defeated. "Aw man!" She whined before dashing back into the trees.

Togami's Lemonade StandWhere stories live. Discover now