talking to viggo

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(Mollie's POV)

"Hello me dear sister's I got u guys some things " viggo said hugging us.

"What did u get us viggo?" I asked

"Things you will need for the baby for you Mollie bottles, fur baby blankets, and baby clothes you're going to need them and for cc a new saddle, necklace, dragon nip, and your moms ring for both of u pictures of your mom, things that were your mom's, and your mom's ashs I'm sorry that u didn't get to know her like I did its hard to not have a mom I took care of her the best I could she was a friend I feed her everyday tried to free her your mom loved u very much she was the one who told me about you before she died " he said trying not to cry we hugged him and told him to keep one thing of our moms he picked a locket that had a pic of us as babies on the left and a pic of him and mom on the right. I put it on him and smiled [his not so bad after all]. He hugged us we hugged back i told him that he wasn't such a bad guy he smiled and thanked me. I even let him feel the baby kick he smiled bigger. We talked about mom viggo told us "she talked about you girls to me and she would begged our dad to let her go but all our dad would do was beat and her tell to be quiet I  would clean the blood away and bandage her and help her to her feet our dad would let us walk around the cells and back to her cell. we would talk for hours then one day she got sick and I took care of her the day she died was the hardest day of my life she held my hand and told me you guys were my sisters and told me to keep it a secret and that I was like a son to her she loved me and you girls and told me if I break down and  become a hunter to remember what we did together and remember how strong I was and handed me the locket that you guys are letting me keep". he started to cry and We hugged him [his not faking he really loved mom].

"Viggo you did everything you could to help our mom and I can see you really loved her. brother don't cry please I'm glad your my brother I love you and mom did to you really did all we could ask u tried to get her up you showed her love no one else did you cared your walked and talked to her. She cared for you and us Viggo you did your best you tried to free her that's all we could have asked for Viggo so don't cry no more your our brother and we love you and thank you for trying to get her back to us at least you got her ashs to us she would have thanked u for this Viggo mom loved you and cared for you she would have loved to see us all together " I smiled

"I want to leave the hunters but I can't Ryker won't let me he'll do what our father told him to do he'll rape me Ryker will make it hurt to so I have to be the leader of the hunters no matter what " he cryed and hugged us we hugged back. [I hate seeing him like this his family and I love him so much seeing him cry like this breaks my heart]. Cc held him and tryed to calm him down.

"Viggo no more crying we won't let anyone hurt you mom would want us to protect u and hold you close your strong so show it Ryker can not hurt you and will not your our brother and if he trys we'll kick his ass" cc told him. It made him smile cc wiped the tears from his eyes and smiled at him.

"Thanks Cierra you girls are so kind to me just like your mother" he smiled

"We better go brother we will see you soon ok " I said

"Ok bye girls" viggo said and hugged us tight we hugged back. then took off on our dragons. When we made it to the house. Blankie, Hiccup, and Dagur ran out and hugged us we hugged back. Hiccup saw all the boxes and asked what was in them "our mother's stuff and stuff for the baby " I smiled

"Viggo just gave it to you?" hiccup asked

"Yep we let him keep the locket mom gave him but everything else he gave to us with a smile on his face we still have more box's on the beach " cc told him

"He has changed so much he is a nice guy now" hiccup beamed

" gober is getting the boxes now that's why you see so many up here we could only carry 2 one each " I smiled

"I see that's great because he finished our house 6 rooms 3 floors so everyone gets there own room but of course I'll be sharing a room with my girl " he smiled.

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