Chapter 16 - Returning Home.

Comenzar desde el principio

"Now today you are going to be learning the Unforgivable Curses." Tom said. All of the students smiled, they had all waited to do this in Dark Arts and they had the dark lord to teach them. "What are the names of the three Unforgivable Curses?" Tom asked.

"Imperio, Cruciatus and the Killing Curse." A male student from the front answered.

"Correct. Now only one of these curses were actually created with the purposes that they now have and that was the Imperio curse, it was invented to brainwash people into becoming slaves for Pureblood families. The Cruciatus was created for medical needs, they used this curse to re-boot the nerve endings in people who had a medical illness. And the Killing Curse was created to put people out of their pain, for those who had an incurable illness or were in so much pain this curse was used to end that pain quickly and with no more pain." Tom explained.  

The class was shocked to hear that only one of the Curses was always used for dark means, while the other two were used by medical staff.

"Now what is the least most dangerous of the Unforgivable Curses?" Many hands went up.

"It is the Imperio Curse professor." Cedric told them.

"Correct Mr Diggory, now can anyone tell me what this curse does?" Tom asked, pointing to a different student.

"The Imperio Curse gives control of the body to the person who cast the spell, someone under this curse has no will of their own and becomes a puppet of the spell caster." A girl in the back of the class explained.

"Correct. Now I will demonstrate this curse to show you all what it looks like, then we will talk about it a little more before you are all able to try it." Tom said, he moved over to where one of the practice dummies were as he was not going to practice on a student. He shouted out the incantation and a purple light emitted from the wand he was holding, the puppet flopped around a little before Tom was able to manipulate it.

"Cool!" Most of the class said as they watched Tom end the spell before turning back to them.

"Now in order to cast this spell you must want to control your enemies, once this feeling is so great within your minds you will be able to cast this spell. The stronger your thoughts on this the stronger the purple light will be, and the stronger this light is then the more powerful the spell will become." Tom explained, he then conjured some more dummies one for each member of the class.

Like everything else Raphael and his Circlet got it the first time they casted the spell, they all had a lot of hate for the light side and no doubt they were using that to fuel the spell. Once they had gotten it down they went around and helped the rest of the class, by the end of the first part of class everyone in the room was able to cast the Imperio Curse.

They all took a short break before coming back into the class, to move onto the next curse. "Who can tell me what the next Unforgivable Curse is?" Tom asked, before pointing to someone.

"The Cruciatus  Curse." Fred said.

"Correct Mr Malfoy." Tom said with a smile. "Now tell me, what does the Cruciatus Curse do?" He asked, before pointing to another student.

"It is known as the most painful curse known to wizard kind, it hits the nerves inside the body and causes immense pain to them. Being held under this curse for long periods of time can make the person insane with the pain." Blaise explained.

"That is correct Mr Zambini. Now once again I will show you the spell before we talk more on it, and then you may have a try." Tom said, he had made the practice dummies have feelings with a spell so they would be able to feel the curse. He said the incantation and a white light came from the tip of his wand and hit the dummy, which fell to the ground writhing in pain. "The dummies have a spell on them that make them think they have feelings, this is so you can see the effect of this curse." Tom explained when he saw the confused looks of the class.

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