Chapter 1

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Growing up as a child I led a miserable life. I was the daughter of an internationally famous scientist who was never home most of the time and also daughter of a famous artist who was never home either. NEVER. Not even for my birthday. So as you may imagine I grew up lonely. In the mansion I lived In I was the only one, apart from the serving robots my father built. The robots would feed me my meals and watch after me. Like parents did...except they were robots. They were the only ones who I could talk to, even though they couldn't talk back I just found comfort in that. Knowing at least a robot was listening to what I had to say, after all who else would ?

As I grew older I began to go to school. To be more specific I began to go to highschool. After all, the robots my dad invented were smart enough to teach me all the way up to middle school, so it hadn't been necessary for me to go to an actual school. When I started high school I felt extraneous. I noticed I was so different form everyone, they were all so caught up with the world and it's idiocy, while I was just me. Quiet, shy, unsociable. I'd never in my life seen so many people think smoking weed, doing drugs, drinking, and partying were such amazing things to do. I honestly couldn't understand how they lived such way.

Although I was very different one day I met this boy. He had light brown hair with beautifully toasted skin and the best part a killer smile that made my insides melt every time he revealed it. His body? perfectly sculpted, not that it mattered that much to me, it was almost as if God himself had come down to earth and did it. We started talking on a daily basis until one day, he asked me to be his. May I just say, I'm so lucky he was mine.

Our love was unbreakable. It didn't require much work. We spent endless amounts of time cuddling and reading. We understood each other with just facial expressions. We knew every little bit about each other. We were perfect. Our love was unwanted though by my maniacal father. He said we were young and young meant we don't know what love is and that we just wander in lust, but we both knew he was wrong. After all my father was a scientist, a scientist who had shut his daughter out of his life for 16 years and just now decided to care.

So as he started to care he became afraid of losing me, and losing me meant losing himself.

Now as a result I lay here in my capsule. All day. Everyday. Dreaming about my love and how much I wished to be with him. It's been 30 years since I've been frozen. Ever since my lunatic father became afraid of losing me. Because of him, he decided to invent this capsule where I could be frozen yet still breathe and remain alive. The fascinating concept though was that I wouldn't be able to age, so no matter how many years I was in here..I would look exactly the same.

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