Chapter 4- Love In A Flash

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* out in the hallways*

Flash- *walks down the hallway*

Twilight- *follows him* Flash!!! Wait...

Flash- *turns and sees Twilight run ups to him* Twilight?!

Twilight- *looks at him happily* That was Amazing!!! I never knew you could play guitar like that...well I knew you could play but...

Flash- *chuckles* Thank you Twilight, I always learned how to play and liked the guitar in general so here I am with Rose Shield here...

Twilight- *giggles* Rose Shield?

Flash- *smiles* Yup my guitar...*holds up Rose Shield*

Twilight- *looks at him* May I...

Flash- Sure I don't mind...

Twilight- *strums his guitar* *chuckles lightly*

Flash- *smiles calmly at her*

Twilight- *laughter dies down* *notices him stare at her* *looks down at the ground* *blushes* I...could sing while you play guitar...

Flash- *thinks* In fact if your up for it...*points to the gym*

Twilight- *grins and nods*

*they both go into the gym*

Bon Bon/Lyra/Octavia/Vinyl/Photo- *notices and giggles*

*in the gym*

Flash- *strums his guitar*

Twilight- Do you know what happened to Sunset and the others...

Flash- Oh they all came down with they're each at home resting...

Twilight- Well I hope they feel better...

Flash- Yeah...*starts strumming his guitar to a beat* *smiles at her*

Spike- *listening attentively*

Twilight- *smiles at him* *starts singing*

*as they're singing they move closer to each other with their eyes half lidded at each other*

Spike- *watches with his tail wagging*

Bon Bon/Lyra/Octavia/Vinyl/Photo- *watching next to Spike in awe*

Twilight/Flash- *eyes closed* *sings the final note in harmony* *opens and gazed into each other's eyes*

Spike- ...Uh guys*points to the top of his head*

Twilight/Flash- *look up to see pony ears on each other's head* *shocked*

Twilight/Flash- *look up to see pony ears on each other's head* *shocked*

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Lyra- Wow so I guess everyone can pony up...

Bon Bon- *nods in approval*

Octavia- *smiles* The long hair and wings, and ears suit you Flash...

Vinyl- *gives a thumbs up*

Flash- *looks at his longer hair extensions* *looks at his wings*

Twilight- *worried* I am so sorry....we were just singing together and I guess I transformed and-

Flash- *smiles calmly at her* It's actually feels good *flaps his wings lightly*

Twilight- *notices that motion* *blushes* *looks at him*

Octavia/Vinyl/Lyra/Bon Bon- *smiles*

Spike- *wags tail happily*

Photo- *snaps a picture of the two* Perfect...

Lyra- Photo why do you take a bunch of pictures

Photo- *smiles with glee* Because darlink...taking pictures helps me zee zo much growth over da years at the school and it shows through my photos and I enjoy it because I get to zee how far we've come...*gains pony ears and a ponytail extension*

Lyra/Bon Bon- *gasps*

Octavia/Vinyl- *smiles*

Spike- Woah...

Twilight/Flash- *looks at Photo* *smiles*

Photo- *sees that she's ponied up* *smiles*Spike- Lyra and Bon Bon are the only ones that haven't ponied up yet

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Photo- *sees that she's ponied up* *smiles*

Spike- Lyra and Bon Bon are the only ones that haven't ponied up yet

Twilight- *turns to them* I'm sure you'll get it...

Lyra- Yeah...

Bon Bon- Sure but we're happy for you guys

*everyone detransforms*

Lyra- *pulls something from her bag while blushing*

Bon Bon- What is it Lyra? *curious*

Lyra- *pulls out a golden small harp from her bag* I like being a rocker...but I also like this too *smiles at the harp*

Bon Bon- Ooh...*goes to the piano* *nods*

Lyra- *breathes in and starts playing*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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