Chapter 2- Musical Symphony- Octavia and Vinyl/Photo Finish

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* the girls walk in the music room and see Octavia playing her cello gracefully*

* Vinyl is sitting in a chair with her mixer bobbing her head to her beats with her headphones in*

Twilight- *smiles in awe* Wow...

Lyra- *looks down and shuffles her feet*

Bon Bon- *listens to the music silently*

Octavia- *finishes her cello solo* *smiles*

Twilight/Lyra/Bon Bon- *claps*

Octavia/Vinyl- *notices them watching*

Octavia- Oh!!! Hello girls!!! *nods respectfully* Princess Twilight it's a pleasure to see you again since the Battle of the Bands but...*confused* Shouldn't you be with Sunset and the others you hardly talk to us...

Twilight- Well I'm starting to change that...your music sounds beautiful Octavia...I do have a thing for classical music *winks*

Octavia- *giggles* Did you hear that Vinyl? *smirks*

Vinyl- *rolls her eyes despite having her goggles on playfully* *has an idea* *unplugs her headphones*

Twilight- But I am universal when it comes to music so...

Octavia- *puts her hand on her hip* *calm* So what are you guys doing here?

Bon Bon- We heard you playing from the hall and we just had to come and see and well here we are *smiles*

Octavia- Thank you girls

* Vinyl drops a beat*

*dance music and dubstep plays*

Lyra- Whoo Hoo!!! * head bangs to the music*

Bon Bon- Yeah!!! *fist pumps the air*

Twilight- *bobs head with a smile* *notices Octavia*

Octavia- *rolls eyes* *crosses arms* She always does this after I perform...turns quiet into loud music

Twilight- *thinks* How about you mash the two genres of music together...

*music stops*

Octavia/Vinyl- *looks at each other*

Lyra- That would be AWESOME!!! *excited*

Bon Bon- *excited* You guys should try it!!!

Octavia/Vinyl- *looks at Twilight*

Twilight- *nods* *smiles*

Lyra- *smiles*

Bon Bon- *grins* Go on...

Octavia- *looks at Vinyl* *prepares her cello*

Vinyl- *looks at Octavia* *prepares her mixer* *nods off to Octavia to start* *smiles*

Octavia- *nods* *breathes in* *starts to play her cello*

*a few minutes later*

Octavia/Vinyl- *finishes* *panting heavily in awe* *looks at each other grinning at each other* *shocked*

Lyra/Bon Bon/Twilight- *gasps in shock and awe* *looks at Octavia and Vinyl and sees that they've "ponied up"

Lyra/Bon Bon/Twilight- *gasps in shock and awe* *looks at Octavia and Vinyl and sees that they've "ponied up"

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Lyra- *gasps* You guy's ponied up...

Twilight- *looks at Lyra* ...*thinks* Maybe it's because either you play music as friends you were able to we did

Bon Bon- *grins* You guys look great!!! *comes up next to Octavia*

Lyra- *comes up to Octavia* *puts a hand on her shoulder* *laughs*

Octavia/Vinyl- *detransforms* *smiles at each other arm in arm*

Octavia- Thank you Princess Twilight for helping us...

Twilight- *comes up to them* No problem and Twilight is just fine...

Bon Bon- GROUP HUG!!! *wraps the girls in a group hug*

*the girls are giggling when a flash goes off blinding them*

Twilight- *blinks* What was that? *eyes adjust*

Lyra- *smirks* That's just Photo Finish down there... *waves to her*

Bon Bon- Hey Photo!!! *waves*

Photo- Hello darlinks!!! *waves* Do not mind me I'm just getting photos for ze yearbooks... *holds camera up*

Twilight- *giggles*

Lyra- Ok but we should get some lunch though...

Twilight- I've been meaning to ask...where are Sunset and the others?

Octavia- *thinks* I believe they went on a trip for something or their all sick

Twilight- *sighs* That's too bad but Lyra does have a point I'm getting hungry let's get some lunch...

Bon Bon- *smiles* Well what are we waiting for?

*the girls walk down the hall to the cafeteria*

Twilight- This is very exciting so far learning about all these things about this world- *bumps into someone* *nearly falls*

Boy- *catches her*

Twilight- *opens her eyes and blushes hard at who she's staring at*

Lyra/Bon Bon/Octavia/Photo- *giggles*

Vinyl- *smirks and chuckles silently*

Vinyl- *smirks and chuckles silently*

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