Chapter 1- The Trip to Canterlot High/ Lyra and Bon Bon

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*in the mirror room*

* the mirror starts up*

Twilight- *turns to Spike* Ready Spike...

Spike- *excited* Ready!!!

*Twilight and Spike go through the portal to Canterlot High*

*at Canterlot High*

* Twilight and Spike come through the portal as a human and a dog*

Twilight- *stretches her arms*

Spike- *wags tail* So what should we do?

Twilight- Well I honestly wanted to go to the library and catch up on reading more about this world *opens her bag*

Spike- *gets in the bag* Sounds good to me!!!

Twilight- *nods* *closes the bag and walks into the school*

*in the school*

Twilight- *walks down the hall and sees the human counterparts of Lyra and Bon Bon talking happily with each other*

Bon Bon- *notices Twilight* *smiles* Hi Twilight...

Lyra- *waves calmly*

Twilight- Hi Lyra, Hi Bon Bon...*keeps walking with a smile*

Lyra/Bon Bon- *smiles fade* *looks at each other* *walks after Twilight*

Lyra- *on the left side of Twilight*

Bon Bon- *on the right side of Twilight* *to Twilight* You...know us? *confused*

Twilight- *looks at Bon Bon* Of course...*arches eyebrow* Why wouldn't I know who you guys are?

Lyra- It's just that...every time you come here you go with Sunset and the others all the time we just thought you didn't know...or care about anyone else here besides them...

Twilight- *calmly smiles* That's not true guys in fact I was wondering if you guys would like to join me in the library for research on this world...since well you know...*sheepishly smiles*

Bon Bon- *smiles* Sure!!! We'd love to help out right Lyra?!

Lyra- Yeah...I mean it's the least we can do after all you've done for Canterlot High...

Twilight- *blushes* I just had to do the right thing...I couldn't just let Sunset rule the school and get my crown and make you all suffer like that *smiles*

Bon Bon- True...but you brought Canterlot High united again, got your crown back, ended up having the Fall Formal, and on top of that you even had Sunset go from the mean girl who wanted power to one of your best friends...

Lyra- Not to mention you all banning together to save us from the Dazzlings who used negative emotions to get power...

Twilight- *amazed* Sunset and the others told you all of that?!

Lyra- It's all around school Twilight!!! You and the others are like celebrities when you guys save the day with your rainbow lasers and beams and stuff

Twilight- *blushes* Wow...I never thought of it that way before...*sees the library* There it is!!!

Lyra- *chuckles* Come on!!! *takes Bon Bon and Twilight's hand and rushes inside*

*inside the library*

*everyone is quiet either reading or speaking quietly*

*the girls find a quiet table and start looking for books*

*a short time later after some hard research Lyra and Bon Bon quiz Twilight on what they went over*

Lyra- And the vehicle that takes transports people to where they want to go is called...? *smiles at her*

Twilight- *thinks* *gets it* An automobile...

Bon Bon- Right and what is it called  you have green paper that's currency in this world?

Twilight- *thinks* Um...*thinks harder* Money..?

Lyra- Be more specific

Twilight- *snaps fingers* Dollar bills?

Bon Bon- Yeah that's it *closes the book* *yawns* We've been here for awhile now

Twilight- *notices the time* Oh...I am so sorry I lost track of time...*blushes* that's normally what happens when I research for a bit *sheepishly smiles*

Lyra- *chuckles* Take off the glasses and ponytail and you and the other Twilight are practically the same it's funny really

Twilight- I guess...why don't we take a break *stands up*

Lyra/Bon Bon- *stands up* *takes Twilight arm in arm on each side* *smiles*

Twilight- *smiles back at them*

*all three of them leave the library*

*out in the halls*

Twilight- So where to now?

Lyra- Well we could get something to-

Bon Bon- Do you guys hear that?

Twilight/Lyra- *listens*

*the girls hear a cello being played beautifully*

Lyra- *grins to Twilight* Oh you are going to love this...come on *runs into the music room*

Bon Bon/Twilight- *giggles* *follows Lyra into the music room*

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