#52: Breaking Up With Him

Start from the beginning

"Then why the fuck were you doing with her when you told me that you were going to visit Louis." You said in tears.

It was all over the tabloids, 'One Direction Star Found Cheating On Long Time Girlfriend?' It made you want to puke just thinking about it. It's the fact that he lied about where he was going that made you so angry. That day you had called him up, and he didn't answer, so you called Louis and he said he hadn't seen Niall in a week. So where was he? He was spotted walking around the streets of London with that disgusting bitch!

"I didn't want you to get jealous, princess!" He said trying to explain.

" 'Cause this is so much fucking better!' " You screamed.

You stormed out of the living room and into your bed room. You ripped open your dresser drawers, and began throwing tour clothes on to the bed. You picked the biggest suitcase and shoved as much clothes as you could.

"Where the fuck are you goin'?" He said grabbing a corner of the suitcase.

"I'm going to my friends house, I until I can find my own flat." You explained yanking back the suitcase.

"What do you mean your own flat?" He asked, his voice softening.

"I'm moving out, Niall. That's what people do when they break up." You say sarcastically to hide the pain welling up.

He didn't say anything, or even look at me differently. He just sat down wide eyed, with his stoic stare. When the shock of what you said finally sank in, he looked down at his fingers. He picked at them and bit at his nails like his always did when he was nervous or stressed out.

"I'm sorry princess..." He whispered.

"I am too, but I need time to think Ni...I can't just pretend you didn't lie to me." You say zipping up the suitcase.

"Al-Alright. I....I understand, but you should at least know that before you leave, that I love you." He said with the tears swelling in his eyes.

You nodded at him and dragged your heavy suitcase out the door.


Louis was packing up his things and getting ready to move in with Niall.

"You wanna keep these mugs?" He said showing you, your matching set that he had gotten you the year before as a Christmas present.

"Yeah, just leave them on the counter." You sighed.

He placed your mug down on the counter. You closed your eyes, watching him pack was more difficult than you expected. It took everything and more to keep yourself from crying. But your sadness was short lived, when a loud crash came from the kitchen.

"Fuck....sorry, Love." He said shyly.

"LOUIS! WHAT THE HELL?!" You screamed.

"Y/N it was an accident!" He yelled back.

You dropped to your knees, where the mug had shattered and stared blankly at the shards that remained. Without really thinking, you reached out and picked up one of the bigger pieces. You sat it in your lap and began to cry. You could help but see more that a broken mug on the floor. You saw your broken relationship, the good memories and the bad, the late night phone calls when he was on tour, and all of the inside jokes that you shared. Everything, gone, in one quick moment and there was nothing that you could do about.

"Love, it's just a mug. Why are you crying?" He asked kneeling to your side.

"Get out." You said coldly.

"What?!" He asked with confusion in his voice.

"GET OUT!" You scream, causing him to jump.

"I never want to see you again!" You said pushing him away.

With your head in your lap, you heard Louis collect this things and walk out the door.


"What the fuck are these?" You asked storming into your bedroom.

You threw several packages of cigarettes down in front of him. The look on his face. Priceless.

"Where do you find those?" He asked, the shock plastered to his face.

"Where you fucking hid them." You said matter-of-factly.

You felt like you were going to cry. Zayn promised you a month ago, that he would quit, he looked right into your eyes and swore he would.

"Those must be old packs, sweetheart." He said collecting some confidence back.

"They're full pack Zayn! You promised me that you were going to quit." You shouted.

He picked up one of the pack and opened it. Revealing a full pack, just like you had told him. You could see in his face that he wanted one, but hesitated because he knew that you were watching him.

"You know that I can't deal with your lies anymore..." You sighed.

"What do you mean, you can't deal with it anymore?" He asked putting down the pack.

"I'm saying that we're through Zayn. I don't title rate being lied to. You knew that and you lied." You said with tears in your eyes.

"Where am I suppose to go, Y/N?" He whispered.

"I suppose you'll have to stay with one of the boys or at your mums, but you can't stay here, not right now anyways." You say trying to fight off the tears.

"Are you breaking up with me?" He quietly asked, muffled even more through his thick accent.

"I-I guess I am....I-I just can't do this with you." You say with the tear finally pooling over.


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