Epilogue - Scottish Beauty

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"Soon my love," Eileen reassured her.  "Tis the full moon in two days time, then ye will have your bairn."

A commotion in the entrance had them all turning when Ian and Grant walked in arguing about a dispute in the village.

"Grant," Ian started.  "Twas no the way to handle David's complaint."

Rubbing his hand through his hair....."I agree with ye Ian, but twas nae proof........," Grant started but then stopped when he looked across the hall and smiled.   "Och....tis Emma's family Ian, they have arrived."

Both of the brothers started making their way across the hall to greet them.

"Jesu....,"Evelyn said softy.   "Tis Robert."

"Nae," Andrew cut in chuckling.  "Tis no Robert, tis our other brother Ian.   Ye have no met him yet."

Grant was getting reacquainted with Laird Campbell, so Andrew decided to introduce the women to Ian.  

"Ian," Andrew motioned him to come forward.   "Tis Lady Eileen Campbell, Emma's Mother and Emma's youngest sister, Lady Evelyn."

Ian bowed and took Lady Campbell's hand and kissed her knuckles.   "Tis a pleasure Lady Campbell to meet ye.   I now know where Emma gets her beauty from."

Eileen smiled and blushed at Ian's compliment, she already knew that she was going to like him.  "Thank ye, I've heard so much about ye from Emma."

"I hope all good things," Ian asked, blushing a bit himself.

"Aye, very good things," Eileen responded grinning.   All four of the McKenna's were charming, it doesn't surprise her at all that two of her daughter's married into their family.

Ian turned to Evelyn.........."Och...tis a wee Emma," Ian beamed at Evelyn as he took her hands and kissed them as well.   "Ye are most bonnie as your sister Lady Evelyn.   Tis a pleasure to meet ye as well."

Blushing as well and going down into a small curtsey....."A pleasure to meet ye as well Ian," Evelyn smiled up at him.

The Campbell's were shown to their chambers, hot baths were prepared for Eileen and Evelyn so that they could refresh themselves for the evening meal.    They were placed in the third tower so that Eileen could be close to Emma when her time came.

The evening meal was a jovial event, they all caught up on news on what had happened during the several months that they had not seen each other.

"Papa," Evelyn called to her Father.  "Ye dinna tell them the news yet."

"Och....aye Evelyn.....ye are right.  Tis truth, I almost forgot.  Tis been Emma on my mine, no Elise," Donald explain.    "Eileen....ye tell them," Donald said as he smiled and turned to his wife.

A big smile across her face now............"Aye...I will.......tis Elise and Robert....they are expecting a bairn as well," Eileen beamed.

All the McKenna's faces were lit up with joy.   Emma started to cry, even Angus got a bit teary eyed.   The brother's started in with their jests.

"Tis the McKenna seed," Grant puffed out.

"I bet Robbie dinna let Elise leave her chamber for a few days after they married," Ian chimed in laughing.   "Ye know.....just as Andrew did with Emma."

Looking over at Andrew now...."Och...poor Emma....Andrew...ye are a brute!" Grant teased him.

"Ye wait Grant," Andrew grunted out.   "Ye just wait until ye are married, we'll see how long ye keep your bride in your chambers."

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