Chapter 4

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30 minutes later I was perched on the couch in the living room, watching some random crime show. I love them ok? When I heard a knock at the front door. Heaven knows why Aunt Noel never bothered to get a doorbell. I sprang up and scurried over to the door.

"Hey you!" I smiled, grabbing Will's hand as he made his way through the door.

"Hey" he grinned back.

I led him into the living room and we both plopped down on the couch.

"So what are we watching?" He asked me even though I'm sure he knew it was a crime show. He knew I was seriously obsessed with them. What? A girl can't like a good mystery once in a while?

"NCIS I think" I replied. To be honest, I wasn't really paying attention before. I just had the TV on to keep myself occupied while I waited for him to get here.

He just nodded and turned his attention to what was happening on the screen. Within 30 seconds I felt his arm snake around my waist, pulling me into his side. I laid my head on his shoulder as I watched some random guy being handcuffed and let away for his crimes. I didn't pay attention to the first half of the show so I had absolutely no clue what is going on. But I didn't  care because all I was focused on was Wills arm around me.

Not really caring about the show, he began to play with my hair, messing it up and attempting to tie it in a knot. I turned to face him, raising my eyebrows slightly at his childish behavior. He just responded with a cheesy wink and a grin. His hands slid around my waist and mine pressed against his chest as we moved our faces closer together. Our lips were just inches apart when the phone began to ring loudly from the table beside the couch.

I jumped as both of us turned to the source of the noise. I got up and stomped over to it, disappointed that it had the nerve to interrupt my almost-kiss with Will. But then again, It wasn't the phone's fault. It was whoever was on the other lines...

"Hello?" I said, attempting to fake cheerfulness.

Turns out Aunt Noel was going to be late because apparently, you can not buy lemons at the drug store after all. I hung up the phone and made my way back over to the couch, plopping back down beside Will.

"Now where were we?" I said playfully. He moved me onto his lap and I got my long awaited kiss. It only lasted a few seconds however, because there was a loud creak and slam that indicated Aunt Noel was back. I jumped and instantly removed myself from his lap, praying she wouldn't catch what we were up too. So much for being late.

"Addison dear I-" She stopped mid-sentence and her eyes widened in shock when she saw the stranger on her couch "Oh heavens! Addison are you being kidnapped?" She seemed about ready to call the police. I burst out laughing. I couldn't help it. The woman was just so confused sometimes it was hilarious.

"No no no Auntie this is Will" I hastily explained "My boyfriend"

"Oh! My heavens he gave me such a fright" she put a relieved hand on her heart and smiled at him.

 "I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you on the phone. This is Will. I wanted you to meet him and he was free so I invited him over. I hope you don't mind" I explained to her.

"Oh that's absolutely fine dear" She replied cheerfully "Hello Jeff I am Noel" She had a thing with calling everyone "Jeff" for some odd reason.

"Auntie. His name is Will" I told her as I attempted to suppress a giggle.

"Oh excuse me dear! Its nice to meet you Will" She embraced him warmly, even though she was about half his height. I smirked as he hugged her back a little uncomfortably.

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