Chapter Three

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I couldn't get Ashton out of my head. It's been a week since I saw him. We should have shared numbers. I wonder if he thinks about me too. Part of me thinks he doesn't like me. But that was a few days ago. Now I am certain he doesn't like me.

Yesterday was my birthday. Nikki took me out for ice cream and got me a card with a gift card for Aéropostale.

We didn't have school today since it is Saturday. I spent most if the day on my computer talking to my friends on Facebook. I heard a knock on the door. Nikki opened. A boy who is in a few of my classes was standing in the doorway with an envelope. "Here's your mail." He said handing it to her before walking away. She closed the door. "It's for you." She said handing it to me. I turned off my computer before looking at the letter.I sat at the edge of my bed and opened it. It said:

Mia Jane Scott,
Hi, this is Ashton. I wish I could've stayed longer so I could talk to you. I can't get you out of my head. I won't be able to see you since the tour started. How are you? I wish you were here to share a coffee with me.
Ashton Irwin

P.s. Send a letter to the hotel I'll be staying at.

My hands started to shake as I reread the letter for the third time. He thinks about me too! I can't believe he wrote me a letter. How sweet! Now I have to think of what to write back. What should I say?

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