"You really wanna do this, Stark?" Steve questioned, looking up from his cold stare off the ground. "You wanna risk your life for Tessa?"

We both stayed silent, every moment killing a bit of my soul.

"Wouldn't you do the same?" I croaked in disbelief, walking past him. I shoved past him purposely and headed straight for the door.

I couldn't believe him! Asking if I'd risk my life for the person that keeps me living it. It was too much to bear. How could Steve? That's not Steve. Steve must be depressed. Opening up Tessa's apartment door to find that she no longer occupies it. Knowing that she's somewhere out there with a manipulative monster who could easily make her fall in love. But Tessa has every right to go against my beliefs. I've always told her how to live her life. And I know I don't seem like one of those 'strict parents' but since Layla was too nice to discipline Tessa, then someone had to. She grew up with tons of money, but she always declined toys.

No one really know why, but now we all know.

Tessa never wanted to be above everyone else. Who wants to feel like that anyways? Wants to be made fun of by having lots of money, but turns out its just jealousy taking the best of them. But everyone gets jealous. It's a natural thing. And I think that Steve is going through something natural.

I ran into a few agents on my way through the dark halls, the red lights swarming around me with every corner I took. Some agents tried to see if I was alright, but I just waved them off. I was happy that they all got my message, I didn't wanna talk now.

I walked into what looked like the assembly room from earlier. I walked over to a computer, and my anger instantly grew.

It was Tessa's profile, and they had an idea on where she might be. I kept reading through her profile until I saw her description: Dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, 5'9 in height, 107 pounds, new threat to S.H.I.E.L.D., potential threat to the universe.....

New threat? New threat? I read the sentence over and over again to make sure it was real. I even rubbed my glossy brown eyes a few times to see if what Fury has written was true. I felt a hint of anger and disappointment towards Director Fury.

Tessa trusted him! She's always counted on S.H.I.E.L.D. to protect her from current situations, like this one now. But now it makes more sense as to why he didn't bother protecting her. She's the threat. The one that S.H.I.E.L.D. is giving every pit of their energy to locate Tessa. I just hope that she's putting her teleporting skills to use.

I started messing around, clicking on random files when another profile of Tessa came up. This time, though, it was about her being a potential threat to the universe.

Like the last sentence ofher old profile.

Daughter of Mother Nature. Mother Nature can do anything and everything. She's capable of anything. And that just might be to kill Tessa.

"And just what do you think you are doing, Mr. Stark?" I heard Fury call as he strolled into the room, his hands clamped tightly behind his back. I stepped back in disgust, even though he was nowhere near me.

"I know what you did." I choked out, my voice cracking throughout the sentence. My head couldn't process why Fury would do that. He doesn't seem like that type of person. But everyone's different on the inside, you just have to be brave enough to want to. And I think Fury underestimates people with what they want to do. Or maybe he knows no one will like what's on the inside, which is why he has so many secrets.

Fury shook his head, continuing to walk forward.

"Stark, what else was I supposed to do. She's a potential threat to the world. Every world, to be exact. And I had to make a decision. It was either 1 life over trillions or save 1 and kill them all. Trillions of soldiers mean more to me than one." He explained.

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