The pressure that piled heavy on my shoulders was weighing heavier than ever, people will die because of me. He was right it would never be that simple as long as they both live with the connection still so strong they will never surrender. Nobodies life is worth more than mine, not now and not ever, I've been playing happy families with Ivan allowing myself to give into the feelings that i have for him, forgetting the slaughter that awaits only weeks away.

My heart felt heavy as I think about all the people that I hold close to me the thought of them being hurt in this breaks my heart.

"This isn't fair, I didn't choose this. People are going to die because of me, people I care about Tobias! there has to be another way. How do you expect me to be happy when all of this is over with, when all the blood has been spilled? How will I move on, the  guilt alone will kill me. Can't you lift the curse? just take the powers back or give them to him, then there will only be one of you with the connection. I can't stop feeling like this, I can't switch it off..... One minute I'm up there with him the next I'm down here with you, ... I don't know what's real or what's my imagination. I feel like I'm loosing my mind !"

His hands cup either side of my face, he moves my face up to meet his but I can't bring myself to open my eyes.

"There is no other way"

Removing my head from his hands I Lean back against the wall and slither down the cold surface. I bring my legs up close to my chest and bury my hands in my face.

"You're a demon, aren't you supposed to be evil grotesque creatures with no heart or souls. You're nothing like that.... why can't you be like that? Would make this so much easier"

"I am all those things and worse, much much worse but that's not how I want to be around you. Would you rather i frightened you? Left you so fearful that you were unable to shut your eyes at night? Would you rather I kept you trapped down here with me against your will.... have you strung from chains, vulnerable and alone so I could have my way with you? Because I could. The only reason that you roam freely up there is because I let you. You can't begin to comprehend the power i have nor can you imagine what I'm truly capable of Rogue. Im a wicked demon capable of wicked things..... it's so easy to be nasty but I am choosing to be nice. If that's not what you want then speak your mind, I will show you how evil I can be.... just say the word my love"

He had crouched down to my level, his finger brushed over the length of my arm. I looked up at him and he tilted his head to the side, as if he was monitoring me.

"There has to be another way, do you understand what you're asking from me? This is a lose/ lose situation, nobody wins from this. Can't the two of you talk it out, it can't end like this. Please Tobias, please help me" my hand was gripping his bicep tightly.

I hated how comfortable I felt around him, how normal it felt to be this close to a figure of my imagination or whatever this was. I hated being pulled down here with him cause the feelings that tip toed to the surface were only getting harder to ignore. I hated how a stupid curse that happened to centuries ago was going to end in carnage but nothing came close to the amount of hatred I had for myself for being the reason for it all.

"Get me out of here" I demand

No response

"I said get me out of here Tobias"

"Missing Stone already, you must think I'm a fool Rogue. I can smell him on you, his bond gets stronger whilst mine gets weakened as the clock ticks away. Self sabotage isn't something that interests me, If planned on losing this war I wouldn't be going through all of this aggravation-" he rants

"Well let's hope that I'm worth the aggravation. I want to go back, my heads all over the place I can't tell left from right. The last thing that i want is to go have my brain picked by every supernatural being In that mansion,I want to be left alone. Since this place isn't exactly safe I'd like to go self wallow somewhere where I don't have to worry about being eaten alive"

"I'll only bring you back again"

"I know that..... but right now I want to leave. Please Tobias.... don't make me beg"

My hand is grasped in his and he brings lips down onto the tips of my knuckles. A delicate and tender kiss was placed onto my smooth skin. Before I could react the sensation of falling took over and my vision temporarily went blank. My eyes lunges open and I was laying flat on a cold floor, staring at a high ceiling.

I knew exactly where I was, not wanting to move I stayed there laying peacefully. I wondered how long I could stay here like this before anyone noticed a 5ft 7 ish girl laying helplessly on the floor

"Hey are you ok?"

"Here we go" I whisper to myself before Taking a long deep sigh and rising to my feet.

Back to reality I wasn't ready to deal with the crap and countless questions that were about to come my way. Here goes nothing......

Soooo my first chapter being back, I've kept it kinda short as I was testing out the waters to see if my writing skills are up to par, i personally rate this about a 4.5/10 lol . Didn't want to go too crazy with it. There are probably are a few errors here but I am working on it😩

I will be including Tobias in chapters as much as possible as I want to you to get to know his character.... I'm also wanting to tune Rogue 18 so i can do more with her character if you know what I mean 😏

Please leave feedback!! Would really love to know what you all think. All is welcome.... please please vote/ comment and share! Would love to get this book back on trending on wattpad.

My goal is 2 uploads a week maybe more depends on how creative I'm feeling!!!

See ya sooonn love d xx

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