Talking is a must

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Heather went downstairs and went to knock on our parents bedroom door.

"Mom?" She says.

Heather opens the door and walks over to the bed.

Deanna is laying on her side facing the opposite direction.

Heather shakes her lightly and says "Mom?" " I need you to wake up please." "Dana and I need to urgently talk to you." It can't wait until morning."

Deanna stirs at the sound of Heather's voice. She rolls over to face her. Heather turns on the lamp beside her bed.

"W-whats going on?! Deanna says.

"I need you up Mom." " Dana and I need to talk to you."

I had gotten dressed and hurried down the steps to my parents room. I saw the light on. I walk inside. Feeling impatient I stop in the doorway.

"Mom, I can't take this anymore!" I need answers and I need them now. I say.

My moms face hardens a little.

"OK, I will get up, but I need coffee." Deanna says.

"I will make coffee." Heather says.

I exit the room with Heather. She busies herself with making coffee and open the cabinet and get some cups out for us. I go into another cabinet and grab the donuts we bought on the way home. Heather stares at me.

"What?!" I shrug my shoulders. "I'm having sugar withdrawls." I say. She laughs at me.

Deanna comes out of her room yawning. She covers her mouth. Still half awake she says "Coffee ready yet?"

"Not yet, go ahead and sit down Mom" Heather says.

I set the donuts on the table and I snatch one up and start eating it. Oh,such sugary death yum. The aroma of the coffee in the air meant it was ready.

I poured my cup and they followed suit. I sat down at the table across from my mom. Heather sat next to her. Stirring my creamer and sugar I began to tap the side of my cup. I lift it up and take a few sips. After a long silence Heather asks "Where should we start?"

"Good question." " Maybe I should ask you mom why were we lied to all our lives about what Dad really does?!" I ask

Deanna is holding her cup in front of her face almost like she's avoiding confrontation.

Starting to really get impatient I say "Mom, we need answers!?"

Deanna takes a deep breath and sets down her cup. Slowly she opens her mouth to say "It was all his idea." "He wanted to protect you girls from harm." 

"Yeah, but why lie?" I say.

"He had too, Aaron is his superior." "If he didn't follow procedures there are huge consequences. Deanna says.

"You say business trips, like cases dad would go on?

"Yes, Aaron would call your dad and tell him about the case and sent him on his way." Deanna says.

"Who does Aaron work for?" I ask.

"Aaron works for the people upstairs." "Don't worry he's one of the good guys." Deanna says.

"Your dad got involved with this Raylon company that specializes in fighting evil." "When your dad started straying away from their procedures they didn't like that at all." One day your dad told me he had to go away for a while." Shortly after that i got a visit from the head hancho himself Thaddeus Raylon. "He tells me that your dad was found dead and that a funeral was to take place." Deanna says.

"Ok, but why didn't you get to identify dads body to make sure it was him?! " That makes no sense." I say.

"Its ridiculous! Something is not right with all that." "How can you bury someone without seeing if its truly them!?" Heather asks.

"I can't make sense of it either my darlings." "I miss your dad so much!" Tears form in our mothers eyes. Heather lays her hand on hers and squeezes.

"What about those dreams you been having lately of dad, Sis?!" Heather asks.

"W-what dreams, Dana?!" Deanna asks.

"Where I see dad out somewhere dark and he is hurt." "It felt so real." "He was reaching out to me and calling out my name." I say.

"When did these dreams start?" Deanna asks.

"A week or so ago." I say.

"Having these dreams they are like premonitions." "You can see in the future and the past." Deanna says.

"Hey, that's not fair." " She seems to be getting all the powers." Heather huffs.

"Don't worry my dear your powers are still growing." They will catch up soon enough." Deanna says. She pats heathers hand.

"These dreams what do they mean?!" "Are they trying to tell us dads still alive?" I ask.

" I feel like your dad is still out there." Deanna says.

"We need to wait for Aaron and Joseph to come back to get more information." I say.

Heather perks up at the sound of Joseph's name. She sighs and smiles.

"Who is Joseph?!" Deanna asks.

Heather sighs again and puts her hand on her chin like she's daydreaming.

Deanna and I sit there for a few moments watching Heather. We smile at each other. I clear my throat loudly. Heather snaps out of it. I raise my eyebrows at her.

"Oh, sorry my bad." " Joseph is an Angel."

"Are you sure about that?! Deanna asks.

"Yes I am sure." He showed me his wings." Heather says.

"I bet that's not all he showed you. I mutter under my breath.  I grin.

"That's what she said. Deanna says.

Hearing this we both look at our mother.

"What?!" Deanna looks all innocent. She grins. 

"I'm not dead you know." Your father and I were ver...."

Covering my ears I manage to say" No, no I don't want to know about you and dads sex life." I say.

"That's gross, Mom." Heather says.

Deanna rolls her eyes.

"Mom, In the letter to both heather and I we got from dad he mention you were given one as well." What did yours say?"  I ask.

"He just told me that I needed to be taken into hiding." " That he was gone and that you two needed to be trained." "The last thing he said was all would be revealed to us in due time." Deanna says.

"What is going to be revealed though?" I say.

Deanna shrugs her shoulders . " I'm not sure, honey." She says.

Heading to bed I had so much going through my head. Who is this Thaddeus Raylon? Is he a good guy or evil? Its just so strange that he would pay a visit to our mom to tell her our dad is dead but yet we don't get to see his body. To me a body symbolizes a sense of closure in a way. Opening my bedroom door something didn't feel right. The was a thickness in the air. There in the corner of my room stood a man. I was about to scream but the man rushed over and cupped his hand over my mouth. The man then said " I'm not going to hurt you, I am going to take my hand off your mouth as long as you don't scream, ok? I shook my head yes.

"Who the hell are you?! I say sternly.

"My name is Thaddeus Raylon."

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