Training time

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Finishing up breakfast Heather and I get dressed in our workout clothes. We were not looking forward to this. It had to be done if we wanted to continue Dad's legacy and find out what really happened to him. There was something about how it was a closed casket and not even his own family got to see what happened. It was all so jaded.

"Alright ladies, let's start our work out"." I hope you both have your running shoes on because that's what we are doing first Paige says." Heather and I look down at our feet and kinda laugh. We both have flip flops on. When Paige doesn't laugh with us we knew we were in trouble. "This is a bad start already you two, Now move and get your shoes on!" Paige says. We quickly go inside and get our shoes on.
"I have you in the mornings and Aaron has you in the afternoons, this is not going to be easy. You have to be in tip top shape ."

" I don't get it, what does running have to do with being a hunter? Heather asks.

" Well its simple really, you have to be fast so you can run away from things like vampires and werewolves among other things or you will die."Paige says.

"Umm Oh OK, heather says nervously.

"I want you both to start your stretches and get to running we don't have all day." Paige says harshly.

I haven't ran in years. I could feel it in my bones. Paige is right this isn't going to be easy. I didn't think it would be, but still a girl can wish. Sweat was pouring off our faces as we make it back the house. Heather plops herself in a chair outside while i go inside.I open up the fridge and grab a water. I put it on my forehead first then move it to my neck. "That's a good look for you". Aaron says.  I jumped at the sound of his voice.

"You scared the shit out of me." I said. He smiles at me. "Well in this business you have to be on alert all the time." Aaron says.

"Are you a hunter as well." I ask. He hesitates for a few minutes. He finally looks me in the eyes and says "Yes, I am."he says.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I said.

"Your dad asked me not too."  "You and heather came so close to finding out, your mom had to distract you both and that saved us from you from finding out
the truth about what we really are. " We didn't want to lie to you, we were trying to protect you." He says.

"Protect us, protect us from what? The things that go bump in the night? I'm still having a hard time grasping all of this". I lose my dad, my moms mia and there for a while I thought I lost you." I say. I look him straight in the eyes when I said the part about losing him because I felt I did.After seeing the hurt in my eyes.Aaron  walks over to me and wraps me in his arms. It felt so good to be in his arms again. He picks my chin up and says "You're not going to lose me, buttercup." He smiles at me. He had these wonderful lips that made me tempted to kiss. I lean in a little and before we were about to I hear someone come in through the sliding glass door.

"Hey whha... Err never mind I will come back. Heather says. She winks at me.

"No ,its ok. You both need to finish up with Paige's workout". Aaron says. "Then it will be weapons training with yours truly.

Oh so close to kissing those lips. I wonder if I ever will get the chance. Don't get me wrong, Aaron is very attractive. I haven't seen him date anyone really since his last girlfriend cheated on him. Oh wish I could have punched her in the face. He didn't deserve that at all. Did he and I just have a moment? I could tell he wanted to kiss me as much as wanted to kiss him. Only time will tell.

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