I begin kissing him but after a while he pulls back. I pout and he smiles. "Your wrist was dislocked again, for a long time, it stopped your blood from flowing so you have to rest now.' he says and i frown, pouting again. "I don't want to restm i want you" i say and he leans in again. "Gosh, Laura, it is hard for me to do the right thing now" he says when my hands slide to the edge of his boxer, playing with the elastics. "Than don't do the right thing" i whisper in his ear and his hands run over my stomach. I moan softly, his touch on my skin sends tenses down my spine. "Laura, don't' he whispers. "What?" I ask and he begins kissing my neck. "Being so sexy" he says and I chuckle a little. Then i lift my hand up to lay them on his neck and in his hair. "Auch!" i say and he stops immidiately. "Stupid wrist" i complain and he sighs, rolls of me. "Tomorrow, promise" he says and pulls the blankets over me. "I'm to the concert" he says and I sigh. "I want to be there with you" i say and he turns around. "Everything will be alright, nothing you're going to miss. The girls are going to sing, and nothing will hapen. I'm sure the fans are going to miss you, a lot." he says and kisses my forehead.

"i love you" he says and i mutter I love you back before laying down. The door closes and now the tears are flowing again. Stupid tears! Please, let Youé fall of stage, please.

Gosh I'm reallyangry at her. i never wish people to fall or get hurt, but she called me a slut, causes Liam so much pain. No, wait.. I'm the person who stops him from loving her. but i can't do anything about it! i'm not his girlfriend! 

More tears come down and i hear the front door shut. Stupid girls! Stupid wrist! Everything goes wrong!

Then i fall into a deep sleep


The front door shuts really loudly and I loud voices. "Shtt! Laura is in there" I hear Louis say. "i don't care about that bitch, she just loves Liam, cheats on Zayn"

Then I hear kissing noises. No, Louis and.... Youé? I'm still to tired to move, so i close my eyes and listen. "You're cheating on Liam right now" he says and chuckles. "I don't care, he can kiss verry good, but you're way better" she says and i hear more kissing noises, then a little moan. "My... bed..."  Louis says and i hear a door close. 

She's cheating on Liam. i have to tell him. She's hurting him. LOUIS YOU PRICK! She's fucking cheating on Liam! How can Louis give in with this. Alright, she's stunning. But he's cheating on Liam too, in a kinda way, right?

I hear the noises. No, please let this be a dream. Liam is going to be broken. Louis is in trouble, really. If she ruind One Direction..she's dead. Even when she has her superduper police skills, she's going to die. Freaking slut.

But then i realize.... i did the same. I was Zayn girlfriend and Zayn hurted me, so i did go to Liam. Now Liam hurted Youé, so she goes to Louis.

Maybe i don't have to tell, maybe i have to pretend I never heard them... that's better for everyone.


I get up again, it's morning now. My head aches a little but i ignore it. Wait, ignore... I remember what happened yesterday. Maybe it was a dream? Please, let it be a dream. Zayn isn't here, i bet he already ate and showered, I'm horrible in the morning, even worse than him. i put on some clothes and walk to the mirror, doing my make-up. My wrist is getting better, I don't feel any pain anymore, that's good.

Suddenly the door opens and closes, i lay my mascara a side and turn around.


"Look, i knew you were in yesterday. you heard me and Lou. I swear, if you ever tell something, you're dead. i have the whole police agency on my side, don't even try to tell Liam it, or someone else. Got it?" she says and myjaw drops.

"Go to hell, bitch" i say but then i feel a pull at me wrist. I scream and yelp out in pain. i hear people run into the room.

"what happened?" Zayn asks worried, catching me as i fall, the pain caused me to faint a little. "She turned her wrist in a wrong way i think! You jsut yelped out in pain!" Youé tells in a actually worried voice, she's a good actrise.I can't reply, Zayn picks me up and walks to the livingroom, laying me down on the couch. "please, say something' he asks and wipes my hair out of my face. "Give me a second, please" i moan and close my eyes. My head hurts, this pain is awefull. "Maybe we have to get her to a real doctor?" niall asks. Then I open my eyes. "NO! No, I'm alright" i say and the boys laugh. "Really, you're afraid of the hospital?" Youé asks with an arrogant twinkle in her eyes."She has a reason to" Harry says and Youé rolls her eyes.

"Guys! How went the concert yesterday?" i ask and Louis went pale. I look at him and near my eyes. "Great! The girls did great!" Liam answers, wrapping his arm around Youé's waist, guess who are back together.

"So, what did you guys do after the show?" i ask and Louis wents even more pale. yeah boy, be afraid. "We went to a club, after that Louis and Youé went home but we all stayed. They were tired" Liam explains and i nod. 'Great." I say and get up, run to Zayn's room.

"CHEATERS" i scream into my pillow.


Lovely's <3

This chapter may not me as long as all my others, but tonight I'm going to post another one! *does a funny dance*. So tonight another one!!! Tell me please how you think this one is, and comment Youé or Laura! Vote/comment/ fan :)

I'm having a BBQ with my lovely friends! Ow and 1 more thing....


One Direction drove me off the road SEQUELTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon