"I can't wait for the bonfire tomorrow night. Are you happy I'm going?" Harry whispered in my ear. I ignored him and began to write down the notes the teacher projected onto the white board.

"Aw are you going to ignore me?" He chuckled as he started to poke my thigh with his finger.

"If you don't stop poking me I will break your fucking finger." I snarled quietly at him.

"Will you now?" He teased as he continued to poke me. I grabbed his damn finger and started to bend it backwards causing him to squirm. I released his finger right before I could actually do any damage.

"Bitch you were actually going to break my finger." Harry said astonished. I was actually surprised when I saw the smirk on his face.

"Feisty." He smirked. I rolled my eyes and went back to copying down the notes. I was surprised that Harry didn't bug me the rest of the class.

"See you tomorrow night love." Harry said as we walked out of the classroom. I rolled my eyes and walked to my locker to put my books away.

"Do you want a ride home?" Ellie asked me as she approached me as I was putting my science books away.

"No thank you. I'm going to walk home. I need the fresh air." I told her. I didn't really want to go home right away. I just wanted to go to my spot and breathe in the ocean air.

"Okay, well I will see you tomorrow then." She smiled and walked away. I closed my locker and began to walk out of school. I walk through the student parking lot and pass Harry who is talking to a bunch of girls, as I walk in the direction of my secret spot. As I walk on the sidewalks towards the beach I think about how wonderful everyone thinks my life is. My life isn't horrible, but it's not great either. I get to my spot and begin to read the book that Mr. Payne assigned us to start reading this weekend. Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen. We have to read the first three chapters by Tuesday (when we go back to school)

The rest of the night and all day Saturday went quickly as well. I'm now heading to the beach where the bonfire is going to be. My friends and Harry are already at the beach when I arrive. They are watching Harry as he sets up the wood for the fire.

"Eva!" Nina said. I smiled and greeted her with a hug.

"You look so hot. Are you trying to impress someone?" Nina winked at me. I wasn't wearing anything special. I have on a red peplum tank-top, with blue/white floral shorts, and blue strappy high heels. My hair is in loose waves that are falling on my shoulders. (Outfits and bonfire)

"Thanks and no I'm not trying to impress anyone, especially Harry so get that thought out of your freaking mind." I told her. My friends are convinced my hate towards Harry is really desire. They are convinced that I like him, which I DON'T. I look over at Harry and see he is already looking at me. I roll my eyes at him before I turn away, walk over to Em and Ellie.

"He just looks so hot in that plaid shirt and skinny black jeans." I heard Em say. Of course they were fanning over Harry.

"No that white shirt he is wearing underneath that plaid shirt is what's sexy." Ellie said.

"Can you guys talk about anything else other than him?" I snap at them. It's been a week of nonstop gushing about Harry and I'm over it.

"You're the only one that doesn't like him Eva. No one else has a problem with him." Em said simply. Yeah, because I'm the only one he is a douche to.

"Just try and be nice to him tonight. It's a party so let's try and have some fun." Ellie smiled at me. I nod and take my shoes off before I walked towards the water. I love feeling the sand and water on my bare feet it's one of my favorite things in the world.

"AND THERE IS FIRE!" I heard Kay yell. I rolled my eyes and turned around and walked towards everyone.

"Want a beer?" Harry asked me. The beach has started to fill up with people from school.

"I don't drink." I replied simply.

"Figured so I brought you a bottle of water." He smiled and handed me a bottle of water.

"Hey Harry, how are you?" Lizzie said coming over to Harry and pulling him into a hug. I rolled my eyes and started to walk away, but Ryan grabbed my arm tightly and stopped me.

"So you're with Harry now?" He snarled at me.

"Whether I am or not it's none of your business." I spat at him and ripped my arm out of his grasp.

"He isn't good news. You need to stay away from him." He tells me. I was about to laugh in his face and tell him I'm not interested in him, but before I could Harry and Lizzie walked up to us.

"Ryan can I speak to you for a second?" Harry asked him. Ryan nodded before they walked away from us.

"Harry could never want you. You an ugly bitch, so you should just get that through your head and stay away from him." Lizzie snapped.

"Why the hell does everyone think I am interested in him?" I snap, before I walk away from Lizzie and over to the fire. I sat one of the blankets and watched the fire crackle and pop.

"Out of all the blankets you had to sit on mine?" Harry asked with raised eyebrows. I started to get up, but he pushed me back down.

"I rather you sit on it then one of them." He said pointing to the multiple couple making out and basically having dry sex around us. I didn't reply I just went back to watching the fire. Harry didn't talk to me and I didn't talk to him. If only he wouldn't talk to me in school that would be awesome.

"Why are you sitting there while he makes out with Tia?" Ellie asked me. I looked up at her confused, and she nods for me to look behind me. I turned around and see Harry making out with Lizzie's best friend Tia. No wonder he wasn't trying to annoy me he is making out with one of the schools sluts. (Lizzie is the school slut and Tia is right there in second place) I can't believe I didn't hear them making out.

"I was lost in my thoughts." I told Ellie as I stood up and pushed Ellie in the opposite direction of Harry and Tia.

"What were you thinking about?" She asked me.

"Just family bullshit." I told her somewhat honestly. She nodded and we walked over to Nina and Kay. As we started talking to them I turned around and saw Harry looking around frantically. He seemed too calm down when he met my gaze. Why would he relax once he saw me? He hates me.......


SO freaking sorry for the long wait........ My life has been hectic lately and for me to sit down and write has not really been easy (which pisses me off) Plus I've had to work every possible shift I can so I can afford the three hour drive to the Demi, Fifth Harmony, and LITTLE MIX concert that's coming up soon (feb,23) I'm working my ass off this week as well, since I have to take off a bunch of days to drive to Fl for my Aunt's bday party..... but since It takes 10 hours there and back I have 20 hours to write a bunch of chapters, so I probably won't post until next Tuesday when I come back, so please bare with me and I will start posting more often.......

PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT and let me know what you think of this chapter...



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