I picked over the array of breads, cheeses and antipasto. Nothing was particularly sitting well though. So after I few bites I just left it. My makeup was done and really the only thing left was my dress.

"Go put it on!" Gaby squeaked.

I groaned. "There's still like an hour to go."

"Don't care. Put it on anyway." She said.

I sighed and got up dragging my heels into the bedroom. Amelia and Gaby followed to help me into it. I took off my shirt and yoga pants, and stepped into the skirt. Amelia pulled it up and helped make sure my breasts were in place so the embroidery was sitting where it needed to be and Gaby zipped me up.

I rubbed my chest. "Shit, this is really tight across my boobs. It fit perfectly two weeks ago."

Gaby came around in front of me and narrowed her eyes at me. "You threw up this morning."

"Yeah I know. I feel okay now though." I said. I was getting kind of sick of this particular conversation.

"And now your boobs are bigger." She said.

Amelia's hands went to her mouth. "Emily!" She squawked.

I shook my head, my eyes wide. "No... no, no, no. No." I said. "I'm on birth ... oh fucking shit. My birth control. I changed it and I completely forgot." I forgot I was on the pill. I forgot I was on the goddamn fucking pill now. Could I be more of a fucking idiot?

"I'm on it!" Gaby said and ran out of the room.

I went back out to the lounge room and flopped onto the sofa.

"Oh my god! Emily you look beautiful." Tom said. Amelia pulled me back to my feet, straightened out my skirt and let me sit back down again.

"She does, doesn't she, Tom? Wouldn't you say she's glowing?" Amelia said.

"You shut your dumb face, Amelia!" I snapped.

"Are you pregnant, Emily?" Tom asked.

"Yes. No. Probably. I don't know." I sighed. "Gonna be pregnant when I get married. That's the kind of person I am."

Tom and Amelia took turns trying to comfort me. I don't even know that I needed comforting exactly. This wasn't a bad thing. Just a not-expected thing. There was a knock at the door and Tom went and let Lisa in.

"Chris just asked me to come check in on you." Lisa said. "Let me see you in your dress."

I stood up and twirled for her.

"I didn't know you were wearing black." Lisa said. "You don't think that's too dark for a wedding?"

I shrugged. "Too late to change it now. I like it though."

"It is very you." Lisa agreed.

Gaby burst through the door waving a box of pregnancy testers. "Got them!" She yelled.

Lisa turned to see what was going on. Gaby looked mortified.

"Emily, you're pregnant?" Lisa asked.

I snatched the box from Gaby. "Well I'm about to find out." I said giving Gaby the evil eye.

I went to the bathroom and after rather awkwardly wrestling with my skirt I managed to pee on the stick. You know how in TV and on movies they do the pee sticks and the characters have to wait the five minutes and they pace the room and keep checking but nothing happens until the five minutes is up? That is not what happened.

Kiss the Girl: A Chris Evans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now