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My aunt Janae wakes me up super early the next morning because my flight leaves early. I change into some jean capris, a teal cropped 'Chill' sweater, and some teal sandals.

After brushing my hair, I walk downstairs with my suitcase and a bag. Janae is tapping we foot impatiently

"I'm ready, geez." I grumble. "Calm down."

She glares before she walks out. She hates me because I'm my mom's daughter. I get in the back, because she has her papers from her business firm. I stare out the window with my head on the cold window.

We arrive at the airport and I walk in alone. I kind of wish mom didn't make Janae raise me, I'd be with my sister. I board the plane after showing security my ticket for coach and I find my seat towards the back of the plane.

"Hi, miss." A nice elder lady greets me as she takes her seat. "How are you?"

I smile warmly. "I could be better, truthfully. My aunt, who hates me, is sending to live with a father I never even met."

The woman frowns. "Well dear, that's just sad. I'm gonna close my eyes, sugar. Wake me when we land in Seattle."

"Alright, ma'am." I say with a smile.

I never met my father. Bella has; Janae kept me from him because of her own personal hatred towards her family. Now, she decides to send me to him and I have no idea who he is.


I wake the woman when we make it to Seattle. I get off the plane with my things and load another to Port Angeles.

"Jenna!" I hear my name.

I see my sister, Bella. "Bella!"

She saved my seat, which is what my ticket says anyway.

"Wow, you've grown a lot." I smirk.

"So have you, Jenna." Bella smirks.

The plane takes off shortly after everyone fastens their seatbelt. Bella and I chat and catch up. She tells me how our father is, how he is a chief of police and he doesn't hover. I love the fact he doesn't hover.

"I hope we have our own rooms." Bella says.

"Yeah, so do I." I smile at my sister.


The plane soon lands in Port Angeles an hour later. Bella leads me over to our father, who drove his police cruiser to pick us up.

He stares at me. "Jenna?"

I nod. "Hi, dad."

He hugs me. "I'm so glad to finally meet you."

He motions us towards the cruiser. Bella sits up front, leaving me the backseat of the police cruiser. Bella cranks the heat up before dad even leaves the airport. It is much colder in Forks than San Diego.

"So, Jenna, where'd Janae hide you?" Dad asks.

"For the first ten years of my life, we were actually in Seattle." I reply. "On my tenth birthday, we moved to San Diego."

He smiles at me through the rearview. "I got you two something. You'll have to share, but it will be okay."

"What is it?" Bella asks.

"A truck." Dad replies.

Bella smiles and dad pulls up to the house he has lived in. It is pretty, a two story, an it's white. Dad pulls his police cruiser into the yard and Bella squeals at the sight of the rusty metal thing in the driveway.

"I love it, dad. Thanks." Bella smiles.

This is going to be embarrassing going to school that that rust bucket. I sigh before carrying my thins inside. The living room holds a couch and a tv. I smile when dad walks in wth Bella. He leads us upstairs and shows us to our rooms. Our room doors are across the hall from each other.

I go into my room and shit the door behind me. I have a twin sized bed in the center, against a wall. I have a desk in the far corner, beside the window and a computer on the desk. I lay my bags on the bed and I unzip them both. I begin to unpack.

"Jenna?" Bella says softly before opening my door. "How's everything coming so far?"

I shrug. "Eh. When does school start?" I ask.

"Tomorrow." She replies.

We hear laughter outside and we follow the laughter. There is a man in a wheelchair as a teenaged boy with king hair talking to dad.

"Girls, this is Billy Black ad his son, Jacob." Dad says. "Guys, these are my guys. JacobC you remember Bella? "

"We used to make mud pies when we were little." Jacob days to Bella nervously.

"And this is Jenna. She recently found out about me." Dad says.

"Hi, I'm Jacob." He says, shaking my hand.

"Billy Black." Billy says softly, shaking my hand.

I blush. "I'm Jenna Claire Swan ."

They smile before leaving. I go back to my room and I get ready for bed. I am skipping dinner tonight, I'm tired and nervous about starting school in the middle of the semester tomorrow.

I climb. Into my bed and I snuggle in my purple bedspread. I face the window and I fall asleep.

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