Chapter 1

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Drugs, and Alcohol pretty much summed up Stefani in her situation. "Fuck you're so tight!" The Sex. We can't forget sex that also plays a key role right now. "You're a virgin aren't you." The guy whispers into Stefani's ear as he fucks her against the sink in the bar's bathroom. Stefani has no clue what his name is or has she ever met him before but he was handsome. "No, but do you think you can go a little slower it.." The man puts one of his hands over Stefani's mouth muffling her voice. "Shh John's going to make it easier just relax and enjoy it." The thrusts aren't less painful but instead more. At least now Stefani knows his first name its John.

The two continue to fuck before both reach climax. Stefani waits to leave the bathroom after John leaves. She makes her way over to her boyfriend. Stefani's not some whore that fucks around with any man that will get in between her legs, there's a reason why. "Where have you been?" Her boyfirend, Finn asked while smoking a cigarette. "I was looking for your drink but the bar didn't have it so I was looking for a different drink you would like." Stefani explains. Finn puts his cigarette in the ashtray before slapping Stefani to the floor in a humiliating fashion.

He then crouches down pulling out his switchblade placing the sharp blade against Stefani. "Don't lie to me you little slut I saw you walk into the bathroom with the fucker. I should kill you but I know something that will teach you a lesson." Finn takes the hot cigarette and places it against Stefani's arm burning the girl. "Hey Finn I think its time to ease up on the girl." A pal of Finn says. "How about you shut the fuck up!" Finn lashes out on the friend in the bar. Stefani was now in tears from the pain and the confusion of how no one plans on helping her, though they are in the corner of a crowded bar. 

"Try it again bitch and you will be doing more than just crying. Now sit in your seat!" This is why Stefani would go and look for other attention from men. Finn has been beating her since they first went out. She even cut ties with her family for Finn because he proposed to her and said he would stop beating her. But 6 black eyes, 3 busted lips, 2 cuts, and 20 bruises later nothing has changed. She has even cotemplated suicide dozens of times before, Finn says she's too weak to do it but Stefani is holding out for that one man that can save her.

She's thought about all the things she could do to ease herself of all the suffering she goes through. She can overdose on some concaine Finn has lying around, borrow some ecstacy or coke, she's taken both before. Walk in front of a bus when its too late to stop or lay down on the railroad tracks waiting for the bullet to come. Find a gun and shoot herself or a knife to slash her skin. Maybe she could just piss Finn off so much he can do the job for her.

Stefani takes a seat in her chair. She turns to see John on the far other side of the bar playing pool. She couldn't help but feel her tempature rise as the man bended over the pool table to play, she saw his muscles flex through his shirt showing off his biceps and 6 pack. She then felt another slap from Finn. "Pay attention whore you might just be thinking about letting another man fuck you." This life is very hard for her, she tries to wait for the hero in the dark to save her but her patience is running very thin. So thin she's on the edge.

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