argument (01.)

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after getting dressed, you went to your vanity and spritzed perfume all over your body

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

after getting dressed, you went to your vanity and spritzed perfume all over your body. the entire time, you felt bruno's eyes following your every move. however, not once did you glanced at him and walked out of your room.

you grabbed your phone, purse and car keys and were ready to head out when bruno closed the door. without turning around, you let out a long sigh.

"where are you going?" he asked. "out," your response was short and clipped, not the least bit interested in anything he had to say. he snaked an arm around your waist and turned you to face him. you averted your eyes to the wall behind him.

"i'm sorry, baby. i've been such a dick these past weeks and i know nothing i say makes up for it, but i've been so caught up with work," he pressed your body to his as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. he inhaled your sweet scent and began peppering kisses all over. you closed your eyes, trying to have some sort of self control and not give into his sweet touch.

in the midst of him showering you in kisses and suckling your skin, you remembered how much he's ignored you and snapped out of it. you slightly pushed him away from you and said, "the girls are waiting for me, i have to go. and don't wait up," with that, you exited your house leaving a confused bruno behind.

*3 hours later*

you were having the time of your life! you and your girls were singing and dancing and drinking and just letting loose. for once in a long while, you felt your issues slip away from your mind. you felt at ease.

as you were in the middle of the dance floor, dancing and singing along drunkenly to fake love by drake, you felt your phone vibrate. without having to look at it, you already knew who it was. with a roll of your eyes, you slipped it out of your pocket and unlocked it.

text from: baby 🌹
i know you're mad at me, but it's 1:00am and i just want to know that you're okay. please text me so i know you're okay.

your heart ached a little knowing that he was worried about your whereabouts and safety. you were about to reply when his song calling all my lovelies began blasting through the speakers of the club. it brought back the unpleasant memories of bruno's mistreatment and you hated him all over again.

"he ain't shit!" you yelled, causing all of your friends to laugh. you remembered your phone was still in your hand and you've yet to respond. you were feeling petty, so that's exactly how you were going to be.

text to: baby 🌹
i'm fine. now leave me the fuck alone.

using his own harsh words against him, you sent the message, shoved it back into your pocket and continued dancing.

it was now 3:00am and you were exhausted. even though you were wasted, you knew you couldn't drive, so you called the only person you knew would come at this hour.

"baby?" he answered, his voice gruff and tired. "i ne-ed you to pick me up be-ca-use i'm fu-ucking waste-ed," you slurred your words, giggling. "of course, anything. where are you?" you could hear him shuffling on the other end of the line.

"downtown," you hiccuped. "okay, i am on my way now. stay put." the line went dead and you sat down on a bench. the cool breeze was refreshing as it hit your sweaty body.

after about 15 minutes of waiting and scrolling aimlessly through instagram, bruno's cadillac pulled up in front of you. you tried to stand but the floor beneath you seemed to be spinning. immediately, bruno came to your aid and helped you into the car. he strapped you with the seatbelt and took your boots off.

"i'm s-till m-ad at you," you said as he got on and began driving. "i would still be mad at me too," he said, keeping his focus on the road.

you leaned your head back against the headrest and stared at his side profile. you could tell he was upset with himself by the way he kept clenching his jaw and his tight grip on the steering wheel. before you knew it, you were dead asleep.

you were woken up by strong arms lifting you up, and nestling you against their chest. you wrapped your arms around his neck and cuddled further into him.

he walked you up into your guys' home, up the stairs, into your bedroom and placed you on your shared bed. he went into the restroom and came back with two tablets of ibuprofen and a makeup remover wipe.

"here, take these," he placed the pills in your hand and handed you a bottled water. once you took them, he sat before you and began to gently wipe your makeup off.

you looked at him, as he was concentrated on not leaving a trace on your face. once he was done, he unbuttoned your jeans and slid them off, your panties following soon after. then, he undid the strings of your blouse and lifted it over your head, your breasts exposed.

he took his white t-shirt off and put it on you. he knew how much you loved sleeping in only his huge shirts. he then tucked you into the blankets and kissed your forehead.

"please know that i feel awful about how i treated you earlier, i don't know what i was thinking. i'm such an idiot," he put his head down, beating himself over it. "i'm gonna sleep on the couch. i'll see you in the morning. i love you, baby," he whispered as he lifted himself off the bed and out the door.

you laid there for about 45 minutes, trying to get a wink of sleep but it was useless. as cliché as it sounds, you needed bruno. you contemplated not giving up on your pride, but you realized that bruno was far more important.

you pranced around in the darkness of your home 'till you were in the living room, where you could make out your husbands sleeping body on the couch. you watched from afar how cramped and uncomfortable he looked on the small sofa. the view almost made you laugh.

you walked over to him and straddled his body. he jumped awake, grasping your hips tightly. "you scared the living shit out of me, y/n!" he breathed, laying his head back into the itchy pillow. "i'm sorry," you giggled. he sighed and looked up at you.

"are you alright? do you need something?" he asked, unsure of why you were even speaking to him. "yes," you simply said. he looked at you almost expectantly, waiting for you to continue.

"come sleep with me," you said, laying your upper body on top of his. he definitely was not expecting you to request that as he look startled. "but you're mad at me..." he trailed off. "i am but i want you to sleep with me," you pouted, tracing patters on his chest.

"y/n, i'm sorry. i know i already apologized but i feel like an idiot for mistreating you. i love you, you're my everything and i promise you that i'll ne-," you cut him off with a soft and tender kiss. he gripped the side of your knees that were bent to his sides and sat up.

you broke the kiss and rested your forehead against his and said, "i love you, too. but next time, if you ever feel like that again, just talk to me. i mean, you did marry me." he threw his head back in laughter and you giggled, loving the way his eyes crinkled at the corners and how his tongue poked out a little.

once he recovered, he lifted you up and carried you into your bedroom, where you both slept tangled up with one another.


please tell me what you think in the comments!
-e 🥀

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