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A/N: This is a poem I wrote stating my feelings on life. If you know someone who is going through the same thing and you think that this poem will help them, you are free to have them read it. If you loved it please vote and place your feedback in the comments. I'd love to hear your views.

~xoxo Z

Date: 10. Tues. Mar. 2015


Some people say life is hard

some say it's easy

Some people say they just wanna be free

Free from stress and free from temptations

It's almost like maths and dealing with equations.

Some others feel like life... is just another phase.

Sometimes life can be fair and not filled with despair.

Sometimes it's filled with love and hope

But sometimes it's like sliding down a slope.

We may fee as if

"Why was I born, why do I even exist?"

"I just wanna punch a wall with my fist!"

Just to let out the anger

the hurt

and the pain.

It's almost like getting a cramp or a strain.

Some people want to die because they don't feel like they have a reason to live

Nor a reason to breathe...

But I say to YOU

"Why not live? Why not breathe?"


There are so many good things in life.

It's just that most of the time, you have to STRIVE.

Strive for LOVE

Strive for PEACE

Strive for the BROKEN one's like you at least.

Show them that though you have to bare this pain

You are strong enough to take it

And not let it put you down.

Show life what you are capable and made of.

Don't give up, don't feel like

you have no reason to live

to breathe, just because life is complicated.

You do have the right to live... if you do

You'll be causing heartache to the one's who love you

so PLEASE....

Don't end LIFE so soon.

~ Author Zoe Regis~

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