Ash vs Tobias Part 2

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If you have forgotten the actual battles between Ash and Tobias, you could watch the above link first. Thanks! Let's continue, shall we! (this is a 5k+ word chapter, so do read all the way till the end for a surprising element!)

As they prolonged their kiss, they heard something scattered from the corner of their ear.

Serena quickly broke the kiss, turned her head and saw her friend, Calem. (who guessed this)

"Calem," she said.

Calem then ran away with tears dropping from his eyes. He thought, "After two years of traveling with her, she still have yet forgotten about Ash. She told me amazing stuff about him but I was the one by her side through the journeys in Hoenn then Sinnoh, not him."

Serena told Ash, "I got to go!"

Ash, being very kind, replied, "It's ok, go."

Soon after she left, all of Ash's friends entered his waiting room. These include Gary, Brock, Dawn, May, Misty, Iris, Cilan, Paul, Sawyer and even Alain.

"Guys, you all came to support me?" Ash said while sobbing tears of happiness.

Brock was the first to speak, "When I knew you were going to have such a battle, I immediately contact everyone!"

"Oh Brock, thanks so much," Ash started to cry.

Misty then hands him a tissue for him. "Thanks!" Ash said.

Gary said, "Give it all you got, Ashy Boy!"

With that, everyone broke into laughter.

The next one who provided the encouragement was Paul. "Show that pathetic trainer all you got!"

"Yeah!" Ash fist pumped.

Slowly, Ash's other friend showed their encouragement and the last one was Dawn. All she did was to raise her hand up and Ash instantly understood. They hi-fived!

/scene skip/

At the stands

"During the break, our audience had voted against switching the battlefield!" the commentator said.

Recognizing the voice, Serena took a quick look at the commentator spot and notice someone surprising. It was Calem!

'OMA,' she thought.

The rest of Ash's friends settled back to their seats. Brock asked Serena, "Where did you go?"

"Well. I went to find a friend, that's all," she replied.

Serena vividly remembered what had happened just minutes ago.


"Calem, let me repeat myself again, I don't love you, get it?" Serena said.

"But I have traveled with you for two years, you sure, you don't even love me once?" Calem asked.

"Yes, I'm sure I don't love you. I have been waiting for that one person to come back, that one person I definitely loved and that is Ash." Serena repeated herself for the last time and then walked away.

Calem scrabbled to grab my hand and pleaded me. My answer, however, was still no.

/end of flashback/

Back at the battlefield

Calem the commentator said, "We have now come to the second half of this exciting battle! This mother f****** Ash had apparently cheated and got himself one Pokemon advantage over our most outstanding Sinnoh Champion Tobias."

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