~Chapter Twelve~

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~Chapter Twelve~

"She said yes." Seam was in a particularly good mood today. I on the other wasn't because we were in DADA with Mad Eye.

Moody was sat behind the desk staring intently at everyone in the class. Whenever he caught my eye he smirked at my glaring expression. I would take some slight satisfaction in Mad Eye being the person I will have to kill. But I doubt Voldermort will make it that easy. He will probably make me kill someone who I care about.

"Who said what now?" I said while still glaring at Mad Eye.

"Lavender Brown said yes to going to the Yule Ball with me." I could feel the excitement oozing out of him. I congratulated him but it made me slightly sad talking about going to the Yule Ball.

After duelling with Severus, Seam told me that people have become afraid of me. I don't think anyone is going to ask me to the Yule Ball which isn't actually a bad thing. I can't go with Severus and I wouldn't want to go with anyone else.

"That great Seam I'm so happy for you." I could tell that he liked this Lavender girl a lot. I don't know why though, her voice is so annoying and she's a bit crazy. But if my best friend likes that sort of thing I guess I will have to be supportive.

Mad Eye's awful lesson was coming to an end and I couldn't be happier. I can't wait to get to potions and see Severus. If I was to say my thoughts out loud my friends would drag me to St Mungo's thinking I was insane.

I hear Potter and Weasley bad mouthing Severus in the common room and I have to stop myself from marching up to them and setting them straight. They can't think I have a soft spot for him because one small soft spot rumour can grow and take on a life of its own.

"Miss Karkaroff, stay behind after class." Mad Eye said putting away a poor creature he made us watch him practice on yet again.

"Why?" I actually didn't mean my tone to be as snappy as it was but you can't really blame me, this guy is my worst enemy and I'm suppose to respect him as my superior.

He didn't answer my question he just waited until everyone had left the classroom. Seam tried his hardest to go as slow as possible but he only had two things to pack away.

"What do you want Mad Eye?" I glared.

"I admire your spirit Miss Karkaroff, may I call you Katrina?" he smirked. He was enjoying my discomfort.

"No you may not." It was then I noticed that the shutters had started to close on the windows.

"That's a shame Miss Karkaroff, especially when I can help your father." I wanted to wipe that smug smirk right off his face.

"How?" I snarled moving closer.

He laughed but it didn't sound like his laugh, it sounded evil. "Let me rephrase that. I can help you, help your father."

He took off his jacket and placed it onto the desk. No wonder he always wears that big heavy jacket, his arms were covered in scars. I don't know if it was wrong of me or not to be proud that my father could have given him one of those scars. But I knew it was wrong to feel envious for not being the reason he had those scars. I shouldn't want to hurt people.

"Then I ask you again Mad Eye, how will you do that?" My tone was slightly lighter but it still had a hint of harshness to it.

"I won't make it that easy for you Miss Karkaroff." He laughed as he grasped his flask and took a big gulp of whatever was inside, probably firewhisky.

"There will be clues and if you're smart enough you will have the answer on how to save your father. I wish you good luck Miss Karkaroff." The shutters had reopened again and Mad Eye stepped into his office connected to the classroom.

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