Chapter XXXIX:

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Chapter XXXIX:

The Election of 1800

December 7, 1800. Jefferson or Burr? That was the question of the day. Citizens all over the United States of America were voting for their their third president. Theo had been anxiously awaiting this day for months. Her and her father had been working almost nonstop for the past four months by going door to door and opening campaigning through different cities around the states. Both Aaron and Theo were drained from all of their travels.

   As soon as they finally arrived home at nine o'clock, the day before the voting, Theo collapsed onto the sofa and instantly fell asleep. She was so tired, she fell asleep in her corset. The two had been doing the campaign by themselves while Jefferson had a whole team, but that was on Aaron. He thought the two could have handled it. Theo woke up from her sleep at ten in the morning, unaware of the date. "Theodosia!" Aaron sang from the other room. Theo hopped up from the sofa and rushed into his office.

   "Daddy, what is it?" She rubbed her eyes as she walked into the room. She was still tired. Once her hands came down from her eyes, she saw her father. He was very chipper and very awake. "You're up early." She said, yawning.

   "Theodosia, dear, its ten in the morning." He said, stepping close to his daughter. Aaron was incredibly excited about the election. He thought he had strong chances of becoming the nation's next president.

   "Oh." She yawned again. "You're going to do great today, Daddy." Theo said halfheartedly. She did think he was going to do great, but she was tired and she hadn't seen Philip in months. She was pretty eager to see him.

Aaron gently smoothed his daughter's very frizzy hair down with his hand. "Go get some more rest. You deserve it after all of your hard work." Usually, Theo would protest, but she didn't have it in her that day. She marched up to her bedroom, changed into something more comfortable, and flopped back onto her bed. She fell asleep almost instantly.

When Theo woke up, it was then two o'clock in the afternoon. She looked a mess. The young woman changed into a new dress and fixed her matted hair. Better. She went back downstairs to go and see her father, who was pacing around the house. "Daddy?" Theo asked, stepping behind him. "Are you alright?"

Aaron spun around and met his daughter's eyes. "I'm fine." He told her. "The anxiety is just kicking in now." Aaron took a few deep breaths, calming himself down. "Also, Philip is coming over soon to see you." Theo smiled at the sound of Philip's name. "Go eat something."

Theo did as her father said, grabbing some nonperishable snacks from the pantry. She sat in the kitchen and ate until a knock on the front door echoed through the house. Theo put the food away and rushed to the front door. Four months was a really long time. She swung the door open and saw her favorite person on the other side.

Philip quickly embraced his love. He had missed her so much. Theo wrapped her arms around him and the two hugged for a few minutes before speaking to each other. "I missed you so much, my love." Philip said.

"I missed you too, Philip." Theo invited him inside and the two went into the living room, where Aaron entered in the other doorway. "Hi, Daddy." Theo said, sitting down on the sofa.

"Hello, Theo. Hello, Philip. Nice to see you." Aaron said quickly, pacing around the room. Philip sat beside Theo, looking at Aaron with a confused look on his face.

"You don't have to worry, Mr. Burr." Philip told him. "I think that you're going to win the election, no problem." Aaron stopped pacing around and looked over at the young man.

"Thank you, Philip. I appreciate that." He did, although, it wasn't going to make much of a difference in the actual election. Eventually, Aaron went to go and busy himself, leaving Philip and Theo alone for hours. It was wonderful. That day was a perfect day, but the night was far different.

Aaron and Theo went out into the square, where everyone in town was waiting for the results of the election. When they arrived at the square, Jefferson and Burr were tied. It was now down for the delegates to vote. Aaron's anxiety was at an all time high, but Theo managed to keep her dad as calm as he possibly could be.

Shortly later, only one delegate hadn't placed their vote. Hamilton. Aaron took her deep breath. He had confidence now. Hamilton and him had cleared the air. Burr had actually considered Hamilton a friend. It was Hamilton's turn to decide.

   "The country is facing a difficult choice." Hamilton began. "And if you were to ask me who I'd promote..." Aaron was already smiling and Theo was gripping her father's arm in excitement. "... Jefferson has my vote." Aaron's smile quickly faded and Theo loosened her grip. "I have never agreed with Jefferson once, we've fought on like seventy-five different fronts. But when all is said and all is done, Jefferson has beliefs. Burr has none."

   Theo's hands dropped completely. How did this happen? Aaron quickly fled the square. "But..." Theo whispered to herself. "I don't understand." On the other side of the crowd, Philip Hamilton had been standing with his family. His face dropped. He immediately started rushing through the crowd of people until he saw Theo, walking away from the crowd.

   "Theo!" He called, but she just kept walking. She knew that being upset with Philip was irrational and just plain stupid. It wasn't his fault that his father had voted for Jefferson. She didn't know what to do with her emotions. Philip ran and stepped in front of Theo, blocking her way. She tried to go the other way, but he wouldn't let her. "What's wrong?" He instantly knew that was a dumb question.

   "What's wrong?" She spat. "What's wrong?" She repeated in a very loud voice. Philip just let her take out her emotions on him. He really must had loved her for that. "My father just lost the election and it's his fault!" Theo yelled, pointing over in Alexander's general direction. She hit Philip's chest, but it didn't hurt a bit. "I thought we had a locked vote!" She clenched her fists in rage. "I can't believe this!"

   "I know." Philip said calmly. "I know." That was strike on of Theo's bad blood with Alexander Hamilton.

I intend for this story to have 46 chapters, just like the Hamilton album. Also, DEAR EVAN HANSEN IS A BLESSING.

I hope you enjoyed this update! Thank you for reading! I love you all!

Dearest, Theodosia Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant