Chapter 2: Confidence

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Tonight was one of the biggest and most important performances for the career of one man.
Eric Evans.
Heavy footsteps paced the well dressed halls of the family home. A few hundred invited guests gathered on the floor below him, having light banter and enjoying the occasion.
Eric sighed, and looked around. His brown hair was neatly brushed in place, and grey eyes surveyed the area. He was quite a stern looking man- his expression constantly frowning, and his eyes alert. His entire stature was strained and uptight, as opposed to his younger brother  David- who had pretty much a relaxed look; relaxed baby blue eyes; a long, curly mop of chestnut brown hair, messily scattered around his head. Unlike Eric, David's expressions were calm and approachable, constantly smiling and laughing.
Eric spotted a familiar figure. The figure's face dropped upon seeing Eric.
Eric beckoned him over. "Ah! Wesley."
"Uncle Eric?" A tall late teenage boy, with shock white hair and his father'a blue eyes, stood in front of his uncle.
"Fix your tie. You don't want to dampen your reputation, do you?" Eric told him, sternly.
"No, sir!" Eric corrected him. "What's with your hostility today? You've been like that since this morning. Watch those manners. You'll end up like your brother."
Wes shook his head, looking at him bitterly. "What? Soul? There's nothing wrong with his manners. He's more polite and kind than I am."
Eric narrowed his eyes. "Oh really? Cause I have a feeling he'd ask you to stick up for him."
Wes took a step back, towards the stairs that led to the third floor. "No. I just happen to know him." He took a few steps up, before turning to face him again. "And I love him enough to risk my own reputation." He announced, with refrained hostility. "Reputation doesn't mean shit to me. He does."
With that, he took the stairs- not looking back, but feeling the fury of Eric's eyes on his back.
"Whatever you do, Wes, you do NOT ruin this for me!"
Wes reached the top and approached a door- the third door on the right. He knocked on it.
"Come in, Wes!"
Wes walked into his sister's bedroom. She was ready, dressed in a magnificent black dress, her chestnut brown hair nearly braided at one side. Her cello leaned against her dresser.
He sat on her bed. "Ready for your performance?"
"Yes! You?"
"Yeah.. Although something's bugging me."
"You too? What is it?" Serenity sat on the bed next to him.
Wes looked at her. "It's about Soul. Sis, he hasn't been right lately."
She nodded in agreement. "He seems so upset lately. I know exactly what you mean. I've felt uneasy about it too." Serenity told him, her red eyes softening.
Wes agreed. "I know... I wish I knew what was wrong."
"So do I. Speaking of Soul, I haven't seen him since this morning. I wonder where he is."
"Probably in his room." Wes suggested. "I'll see if he's okay!"
"Okay! Tell him to come in here for a bit, too!"
"Will do, Sen."

Wes left the room, turning right to knock on the bedroom door next to him.
"Hey, Soul?"
No reply. Instead the door opened straight away.
"Oh! Hello, Wes."
"Soul." Wes walked in and shut the door, before looking at his younger brother. "You nervous for tonight."
Soul looked to the floor. "To tell you the truth, I'm terrified."
"It'll be okay!" Wes comforted, before wrapping his arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Your music is always so lovely. You'll do so good!"
Soul hugged back. "You think so?"
"Hell yeah!"
Soul chuckled into his brother's chest, his voice muffled. "You idiot! Imagine if Uncle Eric heard you being so 'unprofessional'!"
"Hey! I'm already on his bad side today. I don't care!"
"Yeah! Totally got into a stupid argument with him."
Soul pulled away, shaking his head- though still grinning. "Wow! How come?"
"Something about my tie. He's a weirdo." Wes shook his head, laughing it off.
"Hey Soul? Sen wants to see you, too!"
Soul walked to the door, nodding. "Sure!"
When he opened the door, he saw a welcoming face. Her kind smile and gentle eyes looked up at him from her wheelchair.
"Hello, sweetheart!"
"Hi, mom. Are you alright?"
His mother stood up and hugged her youngest child with all the stamina she had. "It's a bad day for me today, but I'll be alright. I can't wait for you three to perform! You do play so beautifully."
Wes placed a hand on his mothers shoulder. "We'll all make you proud!"
"Is granny here today?" Soul asked.
His mother nodded. "She is! She's been helping me out lately."
"That's good!" Soul beamed. "I want to talk about something with her."
"Ah! I see. She's in the lounge, downstairs."
"Good luck!" His mother waved, in support.
Before Soul could finish walking to the stairs, an arm dragged him back.
"Hey! You need to speak to me!"
"Serenity..." He whined. "What-"
Soul was, again, quite shocked at Serenity's sheer strength and stamina.
His sister pulled him into her bedroom. "I'm worried about you."
Soul sighed. "A 'hello' would've been nice."
The pair stood in the room, together.
"Why are you worried about me, anyway?" Soul asked.
Serenity sat down. "Wes and I... We noticed you don't seem to be as lively as you used to be."
"It's like your passion for music is going, and you don't seem to want to perform anymore. You seem hollow." She explained. "Not only that, but you seem to distance yourself away from everyone. You never really speak to any of us anymore, unless we start the conversation."
"I'm sorry." Soul apologised. "I..."
"Don't apologise." Serenity comforted. "I just want to see what is wrong, that's all."
"Yeah. Well... It's like this."
"It's not that I want to give up music. I love it more than anything else in the world." Soul admitted. "I just don't feel like I belong here anymore."
"I'm always compared to being less musically literate than Wes... Both you and Wes are better at socialising and are more charismatic than me. It's not your fault. Or Wes. I guess I lack talent and skill in a lot of things."
Serenity shook her head. "No. That's not true. You have so much talent! And everyone loves you for who you are."
"I wish I could believe that."
"Soul, the only thing you lack is confidence. You don't believe in yourself enough. You're amazing." Serenity shook his shoulder. "Wes sees that too! And mom and dad! And granny!"
"I doubt Eric will."
"Yeah but Eric's an ass!" Serenity laughed. "He hates everyone but himself."
"Just don't let him hear you say that!" He laughed. "He'd have a heart attack."
"I know. But it's true!"
"Yeah... Thanks, sis." He hugged her tightly. "You do know how to cheer someone up!"
"It's alright!" Serenity looked at her wall clock. "CRAP! Soul, we're gonna be late for our performance!" He grabbed her younger brother's hand and took her cello with the other. "Let's go!"
The pair dashed into the hallway. Wes looked up at them.
"Oh, you two are rushing-"
"Wes, we have to be performing in two minutes, you dope!" Soul interrupted.
"Oh god, you're right!"
The sibling trio made their way downstairs.
Unaware of the revelation that will make it's way through.

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