Chapter 2

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As I walked past him I was curious of one thing, "What's your name?", "Jeff" I liked Jeff it was a nice name, "What about yours?", I was considering whether I should tell him or not. I finally decided and turned around to look at him, "Lyla" I smirked as I said my name, I turned around to go home, I suddenly felt sad again and stopped smiling, and walked the rest of the way in silence wondering if I would ever see Jeff again, I brushed it off, and finally after 40 minutes I returned home, relieved that that my father and his girlfriend weren't there, I quickly unlocked the door and ran into the kitchen to make dinner quickly, I made hamburgers and put them on the stove and grabbed a pop and ran up to my room and shut the door and locked it, I grabbed a pair of half white and half black leggings, a sleeping with sirens tank-top, a pair of white house boots and a long flowing black jacket with some black undergarments, I went into my bathroom and looked into the mirror and sighed as soon as I seen my body, it had so many bruises covering me, I turned on the shower and jumped in, and washed my long blue hair that went to the top of my butt, and was a little longer when it was wet, I did my shower activities and got out and wrapped myself in my towel and dried off, got dressed and threw my hair up in a bun with my bangs down, and walked out of the bathroom and sat on my bed and started drawing since I wasn't really tired, while listening to music I kept thinking about Jeff, I was in my room for hours and I started to drift off, letting darkness surround me.

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