Chapter One.

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I woke up to the sun pouring into my room, so I realized it was time to get up. I walked to my closet and picked out a pair of ripped up blue jean skinny jeans, a white tank-top and my usual black hoodie with my white converse, I grabbed my phone and decided to go for a walk through the woods, it was the only place I could think, I felt at home there, there was a lake in the middle of the woods that I loved to look at, I snapped myself out of my trance of the beautiful lake, I walked out of my room and down the stairs to the kitchen grabbing a snack and a pop, then headed out the back door, I walked for about 20 minutes until I got to the clearing to the woods and walked in, I didn't mind walking though, when I got by the lake, I pulled out a fag and lit it, and started smoking and listening to music, soon I heard leaves crunching and turned my music down to check it out, I heard nothing so I just brushed it off as an animal or something. I went back to listening to my music, then I heard it again, I wasn't scared though just curious, so I got up and walked to where I heard the sound from and checked it out, nothing was there, I went back to my spot and picked up my phone to check the time, 7:49, damn the time flew by, I better get home. As I turned around I ran into something- no someone, I smelt blood and my mouth... Drooled? Hmm weird? I looked up to a guy who looked a year or two older then me, I couldn't really see his face, only a smile, not a normal smile, one that was carved into his face, but as I looked at him, I felt... I don't know, normal, I stepped back and he stepped forward, "Are you scared?" He asked in a sexy deep tone, "No." I replied to his question, I wasn't lying either,  "What?! Why not?!?", "There is nothing to be afraid of", that seemed to upset him. But not like crying upset, mad upset. So he finally looked at me in the eye, and yelled "GO TO SLEEP!" Holding a knife up, me, being my sarcastic ass I replied with what I thought would be funny since I was probably about to die. "I'm not really in the mood. Now I have to go, sooo, bye" and I walked passed him.

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