"Ahaaa!" Tienshinhan released a shout and charged at the turtle hermit student. Fast and invisible blows were exchanged between the two fighters which no one besides Roshi and Bardock could see. The fighters moved with high speed across the whole ring with their blows causing a strong noise which was able to be heard all the way to the last row. Tienshinhan was pushing Goku back for the moment with his four arms, but the young saiyan blocked every single punch while smirking. Seeing the smirk on Goku's face, angered Tienshinhan who decided to finish it. After Goku blocked his left fist, the three-eyed man surprised the boy by catching his legs. "I got you!" yelled Tienshinhan with a laugh as he was about to grab Goku's arms as well. However, that never happened because Tienshinhan was smacked several times in the face.

"Hehe, sorry but no!" said Goku as he safely landed a few meters away from his opponent who was with two hands holding the bruised face. "I still have my tail." he waved to Tienshinhan with his brown tail while the taller man angrily grunted.

He was mad at himself for forgetting about that little thing. "S-Shit! T-That's right, you have that tail..." Tienshinhan clenched his fists while with the fourth hand he held his injured face. He never imagined that his small opponent could use the tail in such manner.

"Alright! I'll show you that even with four hands, you can't beat me!" Goku immediately after saying that jumped toward Tienshinhan who was taken by surprise. The taller man was shocked, he wasn't even able to see Goku's fists. Even with four hands, Tienshinhan's guard was broken and penetrated. Goku delivered several strong punches in the gut and one uppercut which disorientated his opponent. While Tienshinhan didn't know where he was, the saiyan in red gi kicked him to the other side of the ring.

Tienshinhan crashed hard on the floor and with his head hanging on the edge of the ring. The strong young man could feel the metal taste in his mouth while the blood leaked out. He tried to raise himself from the floor, but the injuries inflicted by Goku through the fight were taking its toll on his body. The bald man could feel his head spinning and the energy quickly dying out.

"Kh... why do I have such trouble with him!? Those last few punches felt a lot stronger than before, why!? Is he still holding back!? Was he toying with me the whole time!?" wondered Tienshinhan over and over as his breathing speed up and the cold sweat covered his entire face. Suddenly he could see a giant version of Goku above him, glaring down at him with a cocky smirk. "NO! I still have that and this is a perfect opportunity to use it!" he breathed in and out while he closed both eyes. Tienshinhan rose from the floor when to everyone's surprise, the two extra hands returned inside his back.

"Huh, you finished with four arms?" asked Goku who even tho Tienshinhan did that, could feel that his opponent was up to something. He didn't know what it was, but the young saiyan was sure that it would be something exciting.

With a very serious expression, Tienshinhan spoke to Goku. "Let me warn you right now! If you take this technique head on, it will kill even you! Make no mistake!" his words confused Goku who didn't know how to respond to it. "Tch, I don't want to kill you! So dodge it, alright!?" yelled Thienshinhan who was honest about every single word that he said.

Goku was not the only one confused, Krillin was just as much as well as the crowd and the announcer. However, suddenly a childish voice echoed through the arena. "It's the Tri-beam! Tienshinhan stop! shouted Chiaotzu who caught not only the attention of the crowd but Bardock's as well.

"Tri-beam, what kind of move is that? Explain it to me." spoke Bardock who was watching the two fighters in the ring without even glancing at the little boy near his left side. The mature saiyan was quite interested to hear what kind of technique that was and why even the old master was afraid of it. He was able to hear him from the other side yelling to the three-eyed earthling to not use it. Seeing that his question was still not answered, the saiyan with a scar on his face glanced down and glared at the little Chiaotzu. "I asked you a question and I expect an answer." he frowned at the boy who swallowed hard.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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