Chapter 12

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"U-unbelievable..." Murmured the blonde haired man while he held the microphone in his left hand. He saw a lot of fights in his days, but this one, this fight was something else. The man quickly snapped out of his surprised state and spoke through his microphone. "Tienshinhan is down, folks! Is this the end of this year's finale!?" The voice of the announcer caught the attention of the audience which was silent and watched what happened with their eyes wide open. Whispers were able to be heard from the crowd, a lot of people were astonished by the fight while the others were disappointed that the fight was over so fast. While the voices in the crowd were louder and louder, the man with a scar on his left cheek just grunted, catching the attention of the old man standing near him.

"Hmph, this match is far from over. That brat is strong, and he will not be beaten so easily, he is tough for a human." Commented Bardock who to master Roshi surprise smirked. The old master didn't understand why would the man smile in such situation, but his attention was brought back to the ring when he heard something. A small piece of rubble which was on the ring fell down when a dark shadow flew from the hole created in the ring. The dark shadow with great speed flew towards its opponent who managed to block the punch with both hands. The young saiyan glanced seriously at his opponent who was clearly boiling with anger, but that anger was soon replaced with a smirk. Goku's tall opponent moved his head back a little and with enough force headbutted the saiyan who groaned in pain. As Goku was forced back because of the blow he received, Tienshinhan grabbed his tail and twirled around. The three-eyed man released his opponent who was heading fast towards the ring and was about to crash into it, just like him few minutes ago. The young saiyan was about to hit the center of the ring, but before he crashed into it, he placed his hands in front of his head and bounced away. Goku safely landed on the left side of the ring and just when he was to stand, he immediately looked above. His eyes slowly opened when he saw a yellow beam coming his way, but thanks to his speed the saiyan managed to avoid it.

"You won't be lucky this time! Dodon Ray!" Yelled Tienshinhan who fired another beam towards his opponent, but the saiyan avoided that one too. Tienshinhan scowled and with another yell fired a barrage of Dodon Ray's. The yellow beams landed all over the ring, except on Goku who dodged every beam that came in his way. The young boy had a smile on his face as he avoided another beam when he opened his right hand and glanced above, towards his opponent.

"I guess this would be a good time to test if I can do it." Thought Goku as he avoided another beam and with a serious expression glanced at his right palm. Goku focused on his right palm when suddenly a whitish-blue sphere of ki appeared into it. The young boy happily smiled and stopped just after he dodged the yellow beam. He didn't even look up when he fired the sphere. "Final Spirit Cannon!" The energy sphere was heading fast towards Tienshinhan who was surprised by the amount of power in it, but the pupil of crane hermit fiercely shouted back.

"Enough! I'll show you just how much stronger I'm from you!" Tienshinhan quickly moved his arms in front of his body, determined to stop the blast rather than dodge it. His muscles bulked up even more as he released a mighty yell. The blast exploded when it made contact with Tienshinhan which caused the smoke to surround him and for the announcer as well the crowd unable to see him anymore. While everyone stared towards the smoke in the sky, Krillin shifted his eyes back to his friend and wondered when and where he learned that attack. In the crowd, master Roshi was thinking the same thing, but the old man quickly realized that his pupil probably saw it from his father.

"That was a very powerful technique, did you teach him that as well?" Asked master Roshi whose eyes never left the ring and his pupil on it until he received an answer from Bardock who closed his eyes and smirked.

"No, he learned on his own." The answer didn't surprise the old martial artist at all. He knew too well how good Goku was, the small boy probably saw it once and immediately learned it. The man with a long white beard laughed a little when he remembered how easily Goku copied the Kamehameha wave. Roshi glanced back at the ring while Bardock slowly opened his eyes and looked at his son. He would lie if he said that he wasn't pleased with his son progress, but he also knew that his son can do better. The matured saiyan quickly shifted the gaze from his son and glanced above, just like his son. The smoke which surrounded Tienshinhan was blown away by the wind and revealed the three-eyed fighter. His bulky arms were covered in bloodied bruises which he lowered down and exposed his face. The bald fighter looked down with a serious expression, but then he just flew down, on the ring. When he landed on the ring, he stared at Goku with a serious expression while Goku with a surprised one spoke to him.

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