Kazuya Hara

630 8 1

Chewing Gum


Hello. I am Josho Hayashi. I’m originally from Koto, but I just moved here a week ago. Josho actually means ‘rising’ and my last name; Hayashi means forest.

It’s been so hot in Tokyo, and my apartment doesn’t have an air conditioner, which frustrated me. How do students from our school, Kirisaki Dai Ichi, been staying cool? Summer is definitely not suited for me. Spring is definitely my favorite season.

So, today… I met a weird guy.

I was inside the grocery store when he suddenly popped out of nowhere. He nearly gave me a heart attack! Jesus, he was tall. The guy has long, messy purple hair. It actually reached over his eyes, covering them completely and that weirded me out. Can he even see?

And damn, his height. I could tell that he was in high school, just like me. And believe me, he’s from our school. You know what he said to me when he saw me gawking at him like an old woman?

“You’re pretty small and cute. What are you going to buy, kid?”

That didn’t surprise me but I took that as an insult. People always say that I am small and cute but I found it hard to believe. I mean, I am in high school now. They shouldn’t say things that might hurt me. And yes, I am sensitive. That is why, I don’t hang out with anybody. I don’t want to get hurt so easily so I’d rather want to stay away.

“I’m not a kid. I’m a woman.”

When I said that, he burst out laughing. What was funny about that? I just stated the obvious, didn’t I?

“W-What’s so funny?” I asked, but he couldn’t stop laughing and that made my cheeks burn in embarrassment. I felt like an idiot. Me saying that was no laughing matter.

“Hahaha! Sorry, sorry. Man, that was hilarious. Look, kid. I don’t know what you’re saying, but… You made my day.” 


Yes. My heart did skip a beat. I wasn’t expecting that! I mean he smiled at me… Unbeknown to me, he took my hand. “You really made my day. What’s your name?”

“It’s Josho. Josho Hayashi.” I said flatly, trying not to show any emotions or whatsoever, but deep inside… I’m dying.

“Oh? Josho? Then, why aren’t you rising?”

“Shut up.”

“Haha! Right. It is nice to meet you, Josho-chan,” he said, looking at me. Uhh, was he looking at me? His hair was in the way. Damn that hair. It made me want to shave his head. Really.

“It is nice to meet you too-“

“It’s Hara. Kazuya Hara! Pleasure to meet you.”

“Right. It’s not like we’re friends or something, so why did you-“

“We are, now. I kinda like you. Here, take this,” he said, shoving a piece of paper in my hand. With that final smile of his, he started to walk away, waving his hand and blowing his chewing gum.

I nodded at his direction to acknowledge his au-revoir and I stared down at my hand. It wasn’t a paper. It was a piece of gum. A gum he had given as a sign of blooming friendship, I guess.

And that was the whole story. After encountering him, my life became worthwhile.

I think I like him.

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