best wishes part 3

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why were you mad at me last night" he asked "I told you it's because you sent nudes to random girls" i told him "again you want nudes" he joked we were standing right next to each other i didn't say

anything he looked at me confused "um is there anything you want to tell me" he repeated from last night tears came down my face "I like you" I

confessed "you like me like what" he asked "like this" I leaned in and put my hands on his face and kissed him passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away I looked at him he looked at me he wrapped his arms around me and picked me up I wrapped my arms around his neck "so you do want nudes" he joked I smiled "if you're gonna send them then you better send them to me and no one else but not now wait a couple days " i told him he put me down

...I put everything in the washer then me and Justin went back upstairs to Ryan, Alfredo chaz and the rest of the gang i walked into the kitchen with Justin i opened the fridge i gasped "what" he asked "there's no more mountain dew" i told him

"get coke" he told me i got a can of coke then swallowed 2 ibuprofen pills with the pop then put the ibuprofen bottle away justin and i sat down on the couch next to each other "phone" I told him he handed me his phone i deleted and blocked all the girls numbers except mine,

his mom's, my mom's and Selena's i deleted his call history and his texts then i changed my contact name to baby💕 instead then went to his instagram and unfollowed some of the models i don't like

then gave him his phone back i did the same thing to my phone i deleted almost all the boy contacts in my phone expect Justin's and his friends and his dad "what is up with you guy,did you have sex or something" Chaz asks "no we can't" justin says "why not" Ryan says Justin looks at me I shook my head "because I don't want to" I lied Justin looked at me hurt

"seriously" justin asks "justin" I comforted "you wanna tell them the truth" he asked "don't" I snapped "she's on her period and I don't want to do that with her on her period" justin snapped "justin" I screamed in anger and stood up and walked away I ran upstairs crying

Justin's pov "what was that for don't do that to her" Ryan said "She did it to me" i defended myself  "no she didn't you dumb fuck she was lying and we all know that "that girl loves you and you were an ass hole" Ryan said

I got a text from Peyton

Her: I hate you
Her: you dumb fuck
Her: of course I was lying

I'm sorry I typed but then erased it

Back to me three hours later the gang went home and i got in the shower and washed everything and shaved under my arms and legs and down there and then got out and dried off and dried my hair and changed into (pic above)

I put my glasses on and put my wet hair in a bun i put my shoes on and got my keys and wallet and walked downstairs and into the living room Justin was staring at me "do you want anything from the store" i asked "i went to the store yesterday and your actually talking to me" he said

"Well i want mountain dew and I'm still mad at you" i told him "i'm sorry i didnt know you were lying please forgive me i would have sex with you on your period i mean if you wanted me to" he confessed he stood up he kissed my lips then pulled away "i forgive you so do you want to come to the store and then get fat with me" i asked him "oh....sure" he said we went to the store and got a lot of stuff then we went home and ate and drank mountain dew and coke and watched movies all day long

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