my best friend part 4

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"yes i'm fine" i said he continued what he was doing then started kissing my neck and sucking on it he pulled away

He stood up and walked over to his suit case and got a condom and crawled on the bed and hovered over me

he spread my legs open and put the condom on then put his dick at my entrance then looked up at me "ready"

he said i nodded he gently went in i winced in pain he pulled out and went in again at first it was painful then it was all pleasure


Next morning I woke up in bed with Justin scooter was looking at us "what the hell" i groaned "you realize it's 11 am Justin has sound check" he said i
put my glasses on and shook Justin "babe get up" he woke up "I sat up under the covers

"scooter get out we will be down in a minute" he walks out of the room Justin looked at me "last night was amazing" he told me I bit my lower lip "you tasted good" I whispered in his ear he smiled and kissed me passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away

We took a shower and then justin and i changed into (pics above) i looked in the mirror "justin look what you did" i said at the hickey on my neck "you did it to me too

we walked downstairs "justin got some last night" Alfredo says i hid my face in Justin's back

"ew quit" i said "i did" justin says "way to go justin now let's go" scooter says  "ugh JUUSSTIN FUCK ME" alfredo mocked "quit" justin says ""i never said that so you can suck it" i told them "from my perspective sounds like you already did" he said "quit eww" i said "you did" justin smirked i playfully slapped Justin "quit" i said he smiled and kissed me passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away "alright let's go" scooter says


At the arena

I watched justin sing at sound check me and fredo got bored

Sound check was over
"Babe" justin asks "yes" i asked and stood up "i'm taking your shoes" he told me "no your not these were 900 dollars buy your own" i told him he smiled and kissed me passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away

We went to Mc Donalds and ordered and sat down at a booth we started eating  i was on Twitter

I tweeted @justinbieber then a video link for boyfriend material by Arianna  then he tweeted  @PeytonMcKinley then the video link to his song fall

We finished eating and drinking now we are talking

"you guys used to be like brother and sister when I first met you what happened" alfredo asked i looked at justin he looked at me "we grew up" I said

he smiled i looked at fredo "when I was ten it was a little crush and i thought it would go away and it did when he started dating caitlin beadles but then when he left Canada i missed him so much i thought he would forget

who his real friends were then puberty happened and hormones happened and  got new different feelings for him then i had that dream and when he came back i wanted to tell him I liked him more than just my friend but then I met selena which I love her but it hurt" i explained

"What dream" justin smirked "no dream" i told him "tell me" he demanded "Okay fine...well we were 14 we talked that day it was the same day we had the talk at school and I had a dream that justin and i were having sex and then the next day I woke up and I was" i explained "justin made you wet at 14" alfredo asked "yeah" i explained justin looked at me


After Justin's show

I was waiting for him in his dressing room he walked in all sweaty "you
Did amazing" i hugged him he wrapped his arms around mywaist and picked me up i kissed him pasionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away "awww" scooter says we pulled away

"youre sweaty you need a shower" i told him he smiled and kissed me passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away He put me down "Justin" i asked "yes princess" he said "i love you" i told him "I love you too" he kissed me passionately then deepened the kiss again

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