Everything's Going Wrong.

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It's all going downhill again.
We spoke again this morning.
It was like nothing was wrong.
And for the first time in a while.
I was actually happy.
I was always happy.
As long as I could be with him.
But something always goes wrong.
I knew something was going to happen.
And something did.
He told them.
He told them that I spoke to him.
And that I was with him this morning.
And now everything is turning to shit.
I broke down in 5th period.
My friend had to hold my hands to stop me from scratching.
It's a coping mechanism.
But I will scratch until blood spots appear.
And if I really wanted to.
I would scratch until I bleed.
But I don't enjoy the sight of blood.
It makes me nauseous.
I'm scared.
Scared that there might be more threats.
Scared that they might actually hurt me.
Scared that I'm not going to be able to handle what they throw at me.
I'm already weak.
And I'm on the verge of crumbling.
In fact.
I think I've already crumbled.
And the worst part is that I can't stay mad at him.
And I could never hate him.
But I can wish.

A/N - wrote this yesterday but forgot to post it.
Sorry that it's short, had too much on my mind these past few days.

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