The Everlasting Volume 5

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The Everlasting

(Volume 5)

The Struggler

Chapter 1


We were on our way back home. Papa had to pay respect to mama's father and so he took all of us with him.

I had fun today because I had met several kids the same age as me. One girl even taught that my black hair was beautiful. Mama told me she was my cousin. Her sister's daughter she said. She was quite pretty.

We also got into a lot of trouble when we got lost in the nearby forest...I should have listened to papa and not have left with that blond boy, he is all but trouble.

"Mama, papa where are we going?" I said as I had no idea where papa was driving us too.

"Papa and mama need to do something for grandpa don't worry it won't take long" said papa.

"Okay" I said.

It was night time and it was heavily raining, the scenery that was passing us by was very strange to me.

Dark dead trees and an unpaved road with the occasional road bumps made this trip very unpleasant to me.

After a moment, papa nodded toward mama and they stopped the car.

Mama then said

"Dear Yumina it won't take a lot of time please stay in the vehicle."

Then they descended and headed toward a building that was almost in the middle of nowhere.

A few moments later a huge explosion erupted demolishing almost the entire building.

I opened the door of the car and ran toward the enflamed debris where mama and papa went.

Not even caring when my new clothes got dirtied with mud because my main concern was my parents. Only to be shocked at what I saw. Mama was laying on the ground immobile and unresponsive while papa was in front of her barely holding a wind barrier and shouting at whatever that was in front of him.

I couldn't see it clearly but it had a flame like aura surrounding its body but what clearly showed was a red scepter that was hanging in midair between both my father and that thing.

The entity was short...almost as tall as me but its expressions were impossible to see behind that veil.

It then spoke in an evil and an ancient voice...the sound almost made me hurl.

"Where is the protector?! reek of their smell. My Overlord had ordered me to take its life. So speak now"

The red jewel on the top of the scepter shone with a black light and a shockwave soon followed that sent me who was way too far from the middle of the explosion flying.

I must have rolled quite a lot and probably lost consciousness for a bit. I however, still fought the urge to lay down and sought to see my mama so I gripped hard on the wet dirt then stood and proceeded forward despite my dizziness.

I felt a warm fluid running down my forehead but I paid it no mind, 'I want to see mama!'

But when I got back to the clearing nothing was left...

Even the flames were put out. However after looking closer I saw a part of the blue dress that mama wore today laid under some rocks.

I went there only to see her bloody hand sticking out from under the ruble

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