The Everlasting Volume 2

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The Everlasting.

Volume 2

Our Demons

Chapter 1: Contractor.

(3rd person Pov)

'Hmm... not long ago did I meet Greetman seeing this kid's endurance I can vouch that that man is a real monster when coming to body enhancing. It is quit strange that his unorthodox methods seems to work I really need to give him his credit for it. This is amazing' was what Osfor thinking at the time.

Deep down within a darkened forest laid a wooden cabin. In front of it was a bonfire, its fire was flickering throughout the vile of night making the tree shadows dance in rhythm to it.

What would look like two men camping and spending time around the camp fire to normal people, was actually quit far from it. Osfor who was sitting on a small wooden stool, reading from a book, yet sending occasional glares at the figure in front of him from time to time.

He is a genius alchemist, a physicist and an incredible mage one of the seven heavenly demons of Alsa. Well known to the nobility and the four clans.

His researches were sought after from all over the world.

"The four known great countries Alsa, Astarte, Alikh and Astora are the last seclusions and safe zones remaining on the Great Plains. They however only accounted for less than one quarter of the entire domain that was once the lawful territory of man. After the Great War a great deal of land was usurped and taken over by demonic existences. These demons were corrupted and tainted by the abysmal blight. Making them extremely dangerous and almost impossible to exterminate. The blight that normally can corrupt any living being stealing away their sanity in a matter of seconds, merged fundamentally into the genes of these demons."

Osfor who was reading from the book in his hand while watching Asura doing what seemed to be pushups supporting his entire body with his thumbs stated all of these facts concerning the history and basic knowledge over the origin of the current continent.

Asura interjected with a slight huff from the exercise saying

"Oh... huff... I mean I know most of this stuff. And why are you mentioning this, didn't you say you were going to train me...huff if it is physical exercise I can manage myself with more exerting training than this... and where is your little bird isn't it always with you?"

Osfor who folded the book standing up answered the upside-down Asura while getting closer to him playfully holding his Cain

"Oh it was not physical training I am trying to make you do, I need to see the flux of Magoi within your body. Usually when a person is exerting themselves they unconsciously release spiritual energy to reinforce their muscles and a bit of mana to fuel them, this is the easiest way to localize your Magoi network. And that little bird is a sacred beast...and he is protecting my lab at school right now."

Asura was doubting his teacher over what he just said as he knew that it was not an easy feat to observe the Magoi flux within a body it needed great focus and an unimaginable comprehension over the body's functions and quirks which seems absurd as this work was only possible via machines and takes normally very long times to deduce the results.

"Huff...I can't seem to understand what you are saying, sensei."

Seeing the dumb look on Asura's face made Osfor giggle creepily which sent shivers down Asura's spin or in this case they were sent up.

"It is quite easy actually... people now day complicate stuff with their fancy toys and machines, yet they could have the same result if they used their heads for a while. I wonder sometimes if the masses the people holding over their shoulders are even full ..."

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