The Everlasting. Volume 3

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Grand Tournament

Chapter 1 : Spars and a rude red-head.

'Well she started improving that I can say for sure right now...but she is still lacking.'

It was a nice sunny day .A good breeze of air whiffed from time to time making the weather ever more pleasant.

If only I didn't look like I was bullying a pretty girl that was gasping for air in front of me I think I would call this a perfect day.

What lead to this you might say...well, it goes like this.

Back when I was on the transportation ship which by the way was magnanimous the size of it was ridiculous its different compartments would take days to describe ...well in all its glory the ship was magnificent and capable of carrying the entire student board of the school while still retaining its majestic appearance...

Well I was in one of those compartment near a clinic that was built inside the air ship...yep there was a clinic...even a can only imagine how big it was...

So after Osfor was done talking to me and relaying the various informations regarding what happened after I passed out...this angelic being entered the room while Osfor comically exited.

She was as always, beyond beautiful...her perfect proportions nothing too big nothing too small a perfect hourglass shaped body with white hair reaching her waist. A stern look was atop her face when she said in a tone akin to be a whisper than a direct speech.

"Can I speak with you?"

I hastily said "Sure" before she could change her mind as I too was bewitched and wanting to converse with this person.

She looked back checking if Osfor-sensei really did leave then turned back facing me with the same sharp look on top of her face.

"I would like to spend some time with you..."

"Huh?" what? What? Is this chick saying...spend time with there seems to be a mistake here.

She fidgeted with a look of embarrassment on her face while her cheeks blushed red for a second then corrected herself.

"I-I mean...would you please spend time with me for training purposes...I was told that you managed to break through the third floor and even took down the yeti that I was unable to beat...I even saw your fight that time with the invaders at our school...I was helpless in front of one of them whilst you managed to beat him so please" She bowed slightly with her hair covering her face and added "would you please spare some time with me for sparring when we reach the school grounds..."

Now this is embarrassing, the girl wanted a sparring partner while my head on the other hand was in the gutter. Coughing a bit to shake off my embarrassment I said.

"Surly but I cannot see how sparring with me would prove beneficial to you even if as you say I was able to beat the floors of the dungeon that doesn't qualify me to be a proper sparring partner, shouldn't you ask a teacher?"

She waited for a moment opening her mouth then closing it hesitant on what to say next...then after a brief delay she said.

"W-well you see...the tournament is coming up soon and I need a partner not for magical fights but if my adversary is a warrior like you I would like to know how to handle myself in front of such opponents...there are not many teachers who can wield weapons on Albion so finding an adequate person to help with my training is difficult...until you showed up that is."

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