"You barely had time to get ready," Nathaniel said, "How did you not end up looking like a rag doll?"

I shrug, "Now, step on it."

He chuckles and drove to school.


Ashley and a bunch of people walk through the front door of the school, I got to her as she opened her locker.

"Hey, Ashley. What's up?" I asked, nonchalantly.

"The sky," She answered halfheartedly as she organized her stuff.

"Okay then, what class do you have next?"

"I don't freakin' know. History?"

"What's grumpy?"


"You're grumpy."

"I'm not a 'what', I'm a 'who'. Sorry if I'm being rude, I just have a real bad head ache, a stiff neck, and my arm hurts," She sighed. How could she have so many problems at this time in the morning already?

"And why is that?"

"Rough night."

I raise my eyebrows, "With who?"

"Allison, Lizzy, Emily, and Venus."

"Wow, some kinky shit you're into. Having lesbian five-somes. Rough too."

She giggles and smack me lightly, "We didn't do that, what the heck Zayn. We were just chilling and eating ice-cream while watching movies, which wasn't so bad. But, this morning was horrible. I had ice-cream on my hair, Allison was clinging onto my arm for dear life, and my head was against the sofa arm rest uncomfortably. I had to call my brother to pick me up and rushed to get ready for school."

"Yet you still look beautiful. Like you took about an hour getting ready," I said, not being afraid to compliment her.

She blushed and I chuckle, "I barely had enough time to get ready as a matter of fact! I had less than 30 minutes to take a shower and look decent! But uhh, thanks," She said, shyly.

I smile, "No problem."

I walk her to her class and she gave me a quick hug before walking in. I walked to science class and took my seat beside Niall. I just scribbled drawings on my notebook, ignoring the teacher.

Niall nudges me and I look at him, "You getting along with Ashley?"

I raise an eyebrow and nod slowly, "Yes, why?"

"She doesn't seem to like me."

"Because you're a dickhead."

"Well thanks, Zayn, what a lovely friend you are," He said, sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and I chuckled.

I shrug, "Just telling the truth."

"Listen, Malik, I don't mean to be a dick or anything, but Ashley's mine. Fine, whatever, be friends with her, but don't get too close."

I laugh at his stupid words, "Me? With Ashley? You have got to be kidding me. She's not exactly my type, and I have Perrie. She's all yours, but don't do anything stupid to her."

The teacher excused us and I walked out of the classroom and to my next class.


I stumble as I try to make my way to class. Okay, maybe sneaking out of Ally and Emily's place when everyone were asleep to my apartment (Which was in the same comlex) to drink alcohol wasn't such a good idea.

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