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That's what my body was in. In fact shock was a understatement to to what I felt as I gazed at this Adonis of a man in front of me .

Ability of speech completely deserting me.

" Umm..hmm.!!" thats all I could say.

He then suddenly leans closer and whispers in my ear.

"Am I making you feel uncomfortable Kitten ?"

I blush crimson and this breaks whatever spell he has done on me.

And seriously ...kitten? ??? .. not him too.All I want to do is pull my hair.

I step back.

"No ... you are not and dont call me THAT!!!"

I turn around and face Jennifer.If possible she pales even more.

I am guessing I have the dont lie or things will be hell face on that even intimidates Joshua.

"Care to explain everything Jennifer !!

She visibly gulps.

" Ro..Rosemarie there. ..I we .." she stutters.

"We should go somewhere private. " Joshua butts in.

I look around to see that people are now starting to look.

We all follow Joshua to a office his father's I suppose.

Jennifer shuts the door and sighs deeply.

"Its not what you think rose! !"

"Then explain everything Jennifer I am not a kid ....and hell now you're pissing me off !!!"

" Sit down rose !" Joshua more like orders.

" No I wont I want to know Joshua! !! please! !"

Joshua's face softens and he places a hand on my arm.

A growl rumbles through the room.

I turn around wide eyed.That sound

is inhuman.

" What in the freaking God's name was that !!!!"I whisper.

I look at Jason and step back in fear.His eyes are no more the sexy grey smouldering colour but are switching between grey and coal black.

I make a dash for the door before I take two steps I am caught by Jason and pinned to the wall opposite of the door.

"LEAVE US !!" his tone scaring the living daylight out of me.

I look at Jennifer for help.She is as scared as me I realize.

"Please ALPHA PRINCE JASON you are scaring her she dosent know! " Jennifer pleades.

"Please let me go are hurting me please. "

He loosens his arms around me and I break his hold and run to Joshua.I dont know why I did that maybe I thought he could protect me if needed.

Joshua seems shocked but regardless pushes me behind him.

This makes Jason even more angry.

"LEAVE US" he repeats this time his tone and voice containing power that make my knees buck.

Jennifer looks torn but simply starts sobbing Tristan is beside her in an instant consoling her .

This makes my hold on back of Joshua's shirt to tighten.Tristan tries too speak to Jason.

THE LUPINE CHRONICLES: CHOSENWhere stories live. Discover now