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We sat there for a long time holding on to each other tightly for support.


Screams filled the air repeatedly and Jennifer winced each time.

They had no effect on me .I was numb .I was no longer sure what I felt any more. I pulled Jennifer closer as more screams and chilling sadistic laughter  of the zaroxia  filled the house and the wretched wind carried them all the way to the woods .

"We will be alright .I wont let them get to you ." I comforted Jennifer.


I heard them coming from the woods near the exit we came from.

I am paralysed with fear.They will take us.

I shake the depressing thoughts away.Now is not the time to brood its time to run.

"Jennifer we need to go .Come on".

I grab her and start running wildly. I push my feet to run faster to keep up with Jennifer's lupes speed.

The noise of people running is approaching faster than I could imagine.

"We cant outrun them  we need to look for a good hiding spot "

"We cant hide rose they will smell us" Jennifer replys .

"Well we got to try and hope for the best! "

We quickly run to the trees and bushes which were thick enough to conceal us.

The footsteps near.

Its like time slows as they reach us.

We stop breathing and cover our mouths with our hands.

"Where are you little brats.I know your here."the guy from earlier fight calls out.

Sasami.... yes that's what Hidan had called him.

"Come on out now! I don't like to play around! "he calls out.

I peep through the bushes.

He is suddenly nowhere to be found.

I search around frantically yet it's like he disappeared in thin air.

"Can you smell him ?" I whisper  to Jennifer.

Jennifer is in no position to do anything. Her face is blank and she is just following me.

Should we creep out of the bushes and run?

Many scenarios play in my mind yet I dont have enough strength to pull off any of it .

Suddenly to strong hands reach out from behind Jennifer and try to grab her.

My instincts kick in and I push Jennifer away from its reach.

I grab her and emerge from the bushes  in an attempt to flee.

We step out of the bushes only to smack into a rock hard chest.


I step back and turn to run.The path is blocked by a smirking Hidan.

They surround us in a menacing circle.Snickering and passing comments.

They start to close in and I pull Jennifer closer.I am helpless.

Hidan grabs Jennifer from behind.

I turn to them, to rescue Jennifer only to be restrained by  Zachary.

I struggle violently.This only makes him laugh .This bastard is actually enjoying this.

" Let me go " I shout for the hundredth time.

THE LUPINE CHRONICLES: CHOSENWhere stories live. Discover now