New Intentions Develop

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"I really missed you." Queen Kiki smiled at Mitsuhide.

"Kiki, where are we? Where is Zen?!" Mitsuhide panicked.

Queen Kiki turned towards the window and leaned against it, overlooking the valley. "He's around somewhere. But let's not think about him." Queen Kiki turned back to Mitsuhide. "We are finally alone, without any responsibilities at all. Zen can handle himself."

"Are you sure you are the real Kiki?"

"Of course. Who else would I be?" Queen Kiki spoke in the usual tone. Even in this world, she still spoke the same way.

"If that is true, then tell me something that only Kiki would know."

Queen Kiki smiled flirtatiously and drew close to his ear. She whispered something and then turned to watch his expression grow wide in surprise.



Morning came and Miko woke, giving a big stretch. Her eyes landed on Kat who was keeping watch. Miko gazed longingly at Zen's peaceful figure as he slept by the fire pit, that once was their only source of light. 'You're my Father... I never thought possible...'

"How are you feeling, Miko?" Kat turned to Miko.

Miko smiled and stood up. "Better. I am going out for a while. When they awake, inform them to return to camp."

"You're going out there, by yourself?! Are you mad?!" Kat's voice woke the others.

"I know what is at risk, but if I should hope to keep my strength, I need to get stronger." Miko explained.

"Then we are coming with you." Zen stood up after letting out a yawn.

"Please rest. You will need it." Miko pleaded.

"That won't be possible as long as you are out there alone." Zen expressed concern.

Miko's eyes watered as she saw his sincerity. 'He cares about me?' She tried her best to gather her emotions. "Very well." She led them out of the caves and towards the horses. She held out her hands and summoned a portal.

"I will return to camp and carry out your orders." Apollo turned his horse away from them and rode off.

The others rode into the portal and on the other side was a wasteland.

"You come here to train?" Kiki asked.

Miko smiled. "Yes."

"But there isn't anything here." Zen observed.

"Not yet. But there soon will be." Miko turned away from them and focused her energy.

"Why did we come here? You could have literally trained anywhere!" Kat retorted.

"There is something that I have noticed as of late. My powers aren't affected as strongly, the greater the distance. If I want to be stronger, I can't allow myself to wear out." Miko explained. "Kiki, would you stand in as my training opponent?"

"As long as I don't have to wear a dress." Kiki retorted.

"Deal." Miko held her hand out to her swords and then infused one with a flame and the other with an ice. She swung them around in mid air and dazzled my audience, then position them for an attack. "Are you ready?"

Kiki's eyes widened. "And what am I supposed to do?"

Miko's lips curved into a smirk. "Dodge." Miko slammed her ice sword into the sand and out from it, the ice spread around them. Then she struck it with the fire blade and the water collected on the ice, and formations burst forth. Suddenly they were no longer in a wasteland, but inside an ice palace. The combined water and ice training field was going to make it harder to maneuver and focus. The blades had returned to normal and then Miko focussed her attacks on Kiki.

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