Minka Rain

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(I have Changed Emory's name to Minka.)

Frisk P.O.V:

I woke up with Sans staring at me. "Sans are you ok?" "I'm fine but it seems as though you remember what happened," he questioned. "Yes I do," I replied. His sockets weld up with tears 'I'm sorry I sh-" "NO!" I interrupted " It was my fault you warned me not to come to the laboratory and I did. I didn't listen for that I'm sorry." Sans hugged me and I hugged him back. He let go and I looked around. My eyes rested on the book 📚,the note 📝, and the flowers . Minka must have came when I was sleeping. Yes my birth last name is Rain. Not that kind of rain. Rain as a name means: Abundant Blessings From Above . The Rain family had the gift of having the strongest magic that it rivaled the strongest monsters. My sister, Minka, is the best of the best. That's not the whole truth. Chara, Minka, and I are tied. What's are connection with Chara? I'm not completely sure. It's still kinda fuzzy. Chara. Minka said she was coming back! I could lose control! I could- "Frisk are you alright? You've been staring at the book for a while," Sans said with a tone full of worry. I nodded and reached for the book. "I don't think you should touch that. A stranger dropped it in." said Sans his voice getting more stern than usual. " It's ok, that was a friend." I say picking up the book.

Authors Note:

Me: Hey Guys I'm going to introduce you to the new narrator. Her name is Elliya.

Elliya: Wassup Guys.

Me: She's here so I don't spoil the story. Also because I said so.

Elliya: Yup, now go away and let meh do my job!!

Me: Fine Fine! *leaves*

Elliya: Now back to the story!!

Elliya's P.O.V:
Minka Rain:
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Brown
Likes: Everything and Everyone except for one monster
Dislikes: Peanut Butter, Sans, being called a witch.
Other: The older sibling of Frisk. Is the reason that she fell into the underground in the first place.

<Going to the past so you can know more about Minkw>

Jk, that's not happening until later Hahahaha Hahahaha Lolz Hahahaha Hahahaha you just got trolled!!
-The Raconteuse

A Final WishOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz