It's You!

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Sans P.O.V:

Frisk was asleep although she didn't seem to have a peaceful dream. Damn why couldn't I tell her. It was my fault she was in this mess. Suddenly the window opened and a strange figure stepped inside. I pretended to be asleep it was the best choice at the time. The person looked around and started walking to Tori and Asgore . Oh hell no if this thing thinks I'm just gonna-she put a blanket on them? The fuck-who the hell is this person!?!? It walked up to me and stopped.This is getting uncomfortable. Um at least I got a better look at the person...kinda I mean the only thing you could say about them is that they had a long black hood that covered their whole body. Alright if this person doesn't leave there about to be- next thing I know is that I feel a cool wetness moving all over my face. (NO YOU FILTHY SINNERS NO LEMON YET!!) Did did they just draw on my face!? Frisk groaned and the person staggered a bit before moving in front of Frisk catching something in their hand. Is is that an Arrow. The person quickly took a book, a piece of paper, and some flowers out of their bag before making it to the window. I was waiting for them to jump out the then they said something, "I know your awake if you wanted to talk you could of just asked it's better than spying." with that they had jumped out the window and Frisk had woken up.



I was in the car driving to Sans' job he works at a lab and he had given me a weird phone call that had freaked me out. ( A Flashback with in a flash back whoo!)


Frisk: Hello Sans are you OK you never call during work hours

Sans: Frisk everything is fine I just wanted to hear your voice (explosion in the background)

Frisk: Sans that not cool to lie what was the noise (BOOM!)

Sans: Frisk I'm Fine whatever you do don't come to the l-BAM POW!



I got closer to the lab all I could was smoke and explosion. I finally got there and people were running and screaming. "What happened here," I ask the police officer. "Miss I can't tell you wait Miss you can't," that was All I heard before raced off to find Sans. He was in the room where the explosion were coming from. "Frisk I said NOT to come it's,"Sans said. I walk to the middle of the room ignoring the screams. I saw a black abyss I knew what this was I knew what had happened. Sans had tried to open the void and it had gone horribly wrong.

Third Person's P.O.V:

People's bodies had started disappearing as Frisk stepped closer to the void as if she was in a trance. Soon a booming voice said "NO save them leave me," Frisk knew that voice it was Gaster's Sans said "No I can't lose you we're this close!" At this rate everyone was going to die until Frisk soul began to glow as well as her eye. Everyone looked in shock as their bodies started to come back together. Frisk raised into the air and tentacles appeared grabbing everyone moving them behind her. Sans tried to rush to her but the second her did a barrier blocked his way, he couldn't teleport either. He screamed her name but she couldn't seem to hear him, it was like she was in a daze. The tentacles merged into one and started it's was into the void with lightning speed then yanked him out of the void slamming against the wall. With a large bust of energy from Frisk the void was closed. Then the building crumbled to the ground. Blood there was blood on the ground. Not the blood of anyone that worked there, they were protected it was the blood of Frisk. Her spine had snapped in half it was unlikely that she would ever walk again. The room swirled.

Frisk's P.O.V:

SANS!! Where is he oh that was a flash back. Well now I know why Sans thinks it was his fault. A blue glow. Am I in the underground? No this is the surface but how did echo flowers get to the surface? "Frisk how did you get her?" It was her the girl who was in my dreams. " It's you,I said smiling brightly. I now knew who she was. She is my older sister Emory and heir to the Rain family. The same family that sealed away the monsters .


I'm so sorry I was writing this but then LIFE happened and hit me like a truck please don't kill me because I took to long PLEASE! I will try to write more often I'll see what I can do but I"M ONLY HUMAN!

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